Jesus had his second coming in 1914
Whats the tallest tale you've spun and someone's believed it?
by misspeaches 15 Replies latest jw friends
i convinced my girlfriend that i had a prostate. i told her it was a "genetic anomoly" and runs in my family. (i'm a woman...) she was so mad when i *finally* confessed.
I was trying to tell a friend about how I was drunk at a bar and this lady kept trying to help me stand up and walk back to my car,
Well before I could finish the story, he kept interrupting with - "---And then ya banged her right?!"
He kept doing that so finally I ended up just saying, "Yea, she helped me to my car, and then I banged her,"
But actually nothing happened, she helped me to my car, I drove two blocks(maybe), pulled over and went to sleep. She had written her phone# on my forearm, but when I sobered up, I was too embarassed to call her.
To this day my friend believes I banged her only because it would be too much trouble for me to try to tell the real story,
Good Girl or Bad Girl?
Several years ago, back when the internet was still in its earliest stages, our office had e-mail that extended just within the office itself. The office was pretty small, maybe 40-50 people. Also, our computer "network" extended just within the walls of the office--only good for sharing files within that physical location.
I had a higher "security" rating on that primitive network, so on March 31, after hours, I created an e-mail account with a name similar to the boss's ("Richard K----" instead of "Rick K----"). I wrote an e-mail imitating his rather pompous writing style in spelling out new standards for the office, things like:
-- Sign out sheets for paper clips
-- Don't use the office copier for less than 10 copies--if you have fewer, wait for someone else and "copy-pool"
-- Print queues for the computer printers now operate in alphabetical instead of chronological order
-- All client meetings must be conducted in navy blue suits. All personnel should bring in a navy blue suit to leave in their office to change into for "emergency meetings"
And so on. The e-mail was read on April 1, of course.
Quite a few people actually believed it until the more rational members of the office reminded them to look at the date of the e-mail.
sir82, as someone who works in an office, I can appreciate the hilarity in this. Well done. :-) P.S. As for me, I'm usually the sucker who falls for the tall tales - I like to think of it as "trusting people" *sigh* Oh well. Gullible Girl
LOL!! Great stories. Loved the office memo, sir82. Fast thinking there, confession!
While in grammar school, I told everyone that my eyesight was getting progressively worse (which was true) and that I would be completly blind in 2 years (which was a lie.)
Also, I occasionally tell people that I used to be a phone-sex operator or that I answered phones and set appointments for an escort service, just to see how they react.