Is 1919 Important to the WT?

by Anon_SA1 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Anon_SA1
    Does anyone know if the WT still claims they were appointed in 1919? Is there proof of this appointment? Any ideas where I can find out how they get to this date? I know there was "new light" in July 2013 about 1918 / FDS etc. The reason I am asking this is that my best friend is a JW, I have spent a lot of time and energy trying to help her see TTATT! no success in 12 years, but still trying... any ideas around 1919? as she is currently researching 1919 to discuss with me. Any advice would help, thank you for your time.
  • kairos

    If they invoke Nu-Lite, then every publication that mentions 1919 was wrong.

    Big gamble.

    Wait for a revised Revelation book to provide "brighter light"...

    Proof, you ask?

    That doesn't exist.

  • Finkelstein

    Is there proof of this appointment? (1919)

    The only proof there is that the WTS used this proclamation to bring a semblance of viability to their teachings/doctrines, which in turn from their own perspective or should I say his perspective (J Rutherford) was a valuable advantageous assertion.

    Rutherford would say just about anything to allure people to his publications, some naive and gullible bought into his sales pitch or self supporting marketing ploy.

    Some saw righteous vindication and virtue, many others saw an indulgent commercial fraud afoot.

  • Phizzy

    I honestly think that the JW Org no longer cares at all about doctrine, they have realized that they can say any rubbish they like and the R&F will swallow it wholesale.

    They know too that if they no longer put 1914, and hence 1919, to the forefront eventually it will drop off the radar of all JW's.

    They will just keep on pushing the duel mantras to "Obey " and "Give us your $$$".

  • TerryWalstrom

    Read this article in and take it a step at a time.

    Asking yourself a few plain-spoken, common-sense questions you can avoid getting sucked into a miasma of total confusion. Also, it is good to admit something quite obvious: even the WTS is confused!

    What the Watchtower thinking entails is drawing a parallel between Jesus' ministry on earth in the 1st century and modern times. This is Ad Hoc thinking. Straight out of the alimentary canal of the FDS.

    The article explains that since Jesus cleansed the temple twice, it shows an ongoing cleansing work between 1914 and 1919. However, this does nothing to clarify why 1919 has any Scriptural relevance, as no backing is given to support how long the cleansing would be for.

    Watchtower 2014 Nov 15 conjoins the 1260 days with the 3 1/2 days to arrive at 1919.

    "How long did this inspection and cleansing take place. It extended from 1914 to the early part of 1919. This period of time includes both the 1,260 days (42 months) and the symbolic three and a half days referred to in Revelation chapter 11."Watchtower 2014 Nov 15 p.30

    This becomes nonsense, as the Watchtower presents the 1260 days as literal, but the 3 1/2 days as symbolic, yet adds them together to support the period of time from 1914 to 1919. The timeline graphically highlights the discrepancy by a multiple of 75 in the time frame of the figurative 3 1/2 days and literal 1,260 days.

    "To settle that question, Jesus began to inspect the spiritual temple in 1914. That inspection and cleansing work involved a period of time—from 1914 to the early part of 1919. ... Footnote to Paragraph 6: This is an adjustment in understanding. Previously, we thought that Jesus’ inspection took place in 1918." (Watchtower2013 Jul 15 p.11)
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  • Finkelstein

    I would agree Phizzy perhaps that is the reason for the GB members to recently reassert who is in power and control.

    What we say now counts more than any past Presidents or GB members.

    Their bullshit is old and antiquated, are bullshit is nu-light from god, if you want to remain in this organization and appear righteous in the eyes of god, you now have to obey us to gain god's approval.

    Being that the WTS. has had a long historical list of false teachings and doctrines, this new reconfirming identification was a most likely a probability.


    If you want to be "holy", just STFU and be blessed! You will be so happy that you did! We are at the edge of the New World! Seriously, we are in the last part of the last part of the last part of the last part of the very, very last part of the final end of the last part of the finale of the final part of the last minutes of the last days. Seriously...


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  • Half banana
    Half banana

    In the absence of any concrete demonstration of being God’s appointed in 1919 or any other year, the Borg’s tried and tested method of claiming the effects of Holy Spirit have all to do with their worldly success. In effect the WT reads like this: “Look we have eight million people bringing in their contributions and unloading their family’s inheritances into our coffers. See how Jerhoover is blessing us! ” followed by a non sequitur scriptural reference. (vomit)

    1919 was a critical year financially for the Borg. The Watchtower leadership must remind each other of their in-house myth of how salvation came for them. It was a critical time what with Russell proving himself mortal three years before and the bailiff about to call, for they had run out of money (odd... because Russell died with a squillion Dollars cash in the safe). At the eleventh hour there was a believer, the fabled man who arrived with wads of Dollars stuffed inside his clothing, saving their bacon, as if by divine intervention. (Sorry, can’t find the reference at the mo)

    Forget all the tiresome drivel about “inspection and cleansing” ...Who believes that nonsense anyway? You see this is how god really works for the WTBTS: his Holy $pirit is revealed by the presence of printed bank notes, that’s my theory of why 1919 was the year they were appointed... and let’s face it, what the WT says on one subject is just as worthless as what it says on any other subject.

    So that’s why in the minds of the GB (whose motto is “Money First”) they were saved by wads of Dollars in 1919. And they continue to pull in the billions by dishonestly claiming ”It’s Doomsday folks, so roll up and join our cult and you will get a ticket to paradise!”

  • Splash

    I believe this was taken from jwfacts website, but it's a great summary.

    What year did Jesus' Inspection take place, and what was the immediate outcome?
    Inspection year: 1918 Result: Failed Inspection - Watchtower May 15, 1951 page 303
    Inspection year: 1918 Result: Passed Inspection - Watchtower November 1,1955 page 633
    Inspection year: 1918 Result: Passed Inspection - Watchtower January 15, 1960 page 47
    Inspection year: 1918 Result: Failed Inspection - Watchtower February 1, 1972 page 79
    Inspection year: 1919 Result: Failed Inspection - Gods K'dom of 1000 Years (1973) p. 231
    Inspection year: 1918 Result: Failed Inspection - Yearbook 1975 page 87
    Inspection year: 1919 Result: Passed Inspection - Watchtower Sept 15, 1983 page 20
    Inspection year: 1918 Result: Failed Inspection - "Prince of Peace" (1986) page 40 para 8
    Inspection year: 1918 Result: Passed Inspection - Watchtower March 15, 1990 page 14
    Inspection year: 1918 Result: Passed Inspection - Watchtower May 1, 1993 page 17
    Inspection year: 1918 Result: Failed Inspection - Isaiah's Prophecy II (2001) page 396
    Inspection year: 1918 & 1919 Result: Passed Inspection - Watchtower March 1, 2004 page 17
    Inspection year: 1918 Result: Passed Inspection - Watchtower April 1, 2007 page 22 par. 5
    Inspection year: 1918 Result: Passed Inspection - Watchtower January 15, 2008 page 24
    Inspection year: 1919 Result: Failed Inspection - Watchtower Sept 15, 2012 page 25
    Inspection year: 1914 Result: Failed Inspection - Watchtower July 15, 2013 page 23

  • OrphanCrow
    So that’s why in the minds of the GB (whose motto is “Money First”) they were saved by wads of Dollars in 1919.

    Yes, exactly.

    The 'appointment' that occurred in 1919 was intimately linked to the bail-out that was required after Rutherford negotiated his way out of a lengthy prison sentence.

    When Rutherford and his cronies were released from the Atlanta prison (which held many political prisoners besides Rutherford et al), they found the WTS' property about to be confiscated. So, Joe made one of his many trips out to California, and, lo and behold, some dude showed up back at WTS headquarters with cash taped to his body under his shirt. (George Butterfield?)

    That cash bailed out the almost defunct publishing company and gave the WTS the impetus to purchase their own printing presses. Up until that time, Conkey had been the main printer.

    1919 saw the WTS move from being just a publishing company to being a printing company in its own right. The purchase of printing presses ensured that they now had full control of whatever propaganda they needed to print in order to satisfy the demands of that 'loan' that was given them.

    1919 was the year that the Golden Age was born. That early marketing magazine reflects the political and financial concerns of the investors that put their faith in the power of religious propaganda to sway the marketplace and/or political arena.

    In 1919, the WTS was 'appointed' by invisible (but real) investors to be in charge of their financial and political concerns. Find out who those investors were, and you will find Jehovah.


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