The fog must be lifted now for me after two and a half years out of the borg.
Today whilst browsing for some lawn decor, I was drawn to the American Flag display in the store. I looked it over good - all the flag pole styles, sizes, quality. I walked away without buying one, only due to trying to keep Wifey out of the hot seat, as she still has relatives in - I don't any longer.
I still don't know how I feel about nationalism - I still think it is a dangerous ploy in which bloodshed gets justification at times when it is unwarranted - but my feelings of patriotism are rising a little bit for the first time in my life. I don't want to be associated with all the bad that comes from that emotion - I don't want to hate others because they live in another country. Or because my government calls them the enemy in times of warfare.
But I see it as clearly a sign that the fog is lifted and I am truly free - though I don't know what to do about the flag issue yet.
Just thought I would share. I never envisioned myself in a million years thinking this way. The very presence of a flag used to give me the creeps. No way - even after leaving would I have thought a year ago I would ever have such feelings as these. I surely thought I would never express them here on a public forum.
Anyone know what I mean by this ramble?