How many here have been disciplined?

by Boohiggy 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Calliope

    oh, and WELCOME!

    stick around...

  • Calliope

    oh, and i suppose i could answer your question (sorry).

    i've been privately reproved twice.

    i quit pioneering the first time and they wanted to know why. well, there were many reasons why i didn't feel i met the qualifications (i.e. clubbing, boys, drinking, smoking, drugs)... but i only told them that i smoked. they asked if i'd stopped? i said yes, and that i felt horrible for doing it... hence private reproof.

    and i drove home smoking.

    2nd time, i was moving away and wanted to clear my "conscience" or anything that might follow me (let's not question the whys here).

    so, i invited them to a JC meeting! told them i had started smoking again (but in reality had slept with a boy, and then the rest, drugs, clubbing, drinking, smoking). this confession resulted in 2 months of no commenting "priviledges".


  • freedomlover

    nope. not by a JC.

    they never caught me, and I never felt enough guilt to tell on myself.

    welcome to the board!

  • garybuss

    I was taken in the back room for not wearing a neck tie and my 3 year old son and I were belly pushed by Jehovah's Witnesses for buying Rainbow Lifesavers. Do those count?

  • Stealth453

    i was just counseled for sex. what should I expect?

    The elders to stay behind after the meeting so as to relieve the pressure on their prostate's. (anyone else notice how close prostate and apostate are?)

    Having said that, welcome to the board. Give them as little as possible, or ignore them altogether.


  • Kudra

    Rainbow lifesavers... wtf...?
    can you elaborate?

  • Kudra

    oh nevermind.
    I figured it out- only Jehoagie can save lives...

  • Kudra

    More on topic:

    If that avatar is actually your picture, those sketchy old perverts will create a lovely masturbatory memory for themselves when they ask you to spill every last detail-
    "did you climax?"
    "were you wearing a thong?"
    These are ACTUAL QUESTIONS that have been asked.
    ugh. you'll want to scrub with bleach at the end...

  • Anti-Christ

    Bienvenu a bord!! I have been disciplined for pot smoking, if your the one who confess you'll probably get 3-6 months, but if you got "caught" it might be different. It also depends on how many people know about it. If not much people know you might get privately reproved. But it all depends on what you want. If you don't really care you can tell them to go fornicate with themselves. It's your life and you could take the power back.

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