Legal Stuff: What's The Likely Fallout?

by metatron 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyHaszard
    It would seem the potentially disastrous legal and organizational dilemma in which the WTS finds itself now is how to manage to maintain its iron-fisted control over the congregations and their respective publishers via agents and instructions to whom/which they must have no apparent or documented connection. If their exhaustive and meticulous written instructions and other communications with agents (who must not be provable as such in a court of law), i.e., DOs, COs, POs, elder bodies, are replaced with verbal directives one can only imagine the ensuing chaotic helter skelter that will masquerade as "caring for kingdom interests." I would think it virtually impossible to maintain even the illusion of either organization or unity.

    Yup,they will be a cross between the moonies and the mafia

    BTW i have been employed by organizations with ties to worldly gangsters they treat their workers well.

  • LDH
    The appeal of reaching out might diminish even further if men, upon accepting appointment, become obligated to fall on the sword, as it were, to swear to profess to have deliberated, decided and acted as free-lance agents if called to testify regarding their service as elders and specifically as a member of a judicial committee.

    This is exactly correct.

    At some point when a 'brother' is notified that the 'Holy Spirit' has decreed he should become an elder, the excitement is overwhelming! It will only be when some 'bitter' JW decides to sue the organization--nd the organization slyly steps sideways to pin the blame on the local elder--will the aura wear off.


  • Scully
    i have been employed by organizations with ties to worldly gangsters

    Danny, knowing you the way we do, I can honestly say that I'm not surprised. I mean that in the nicest possible way.

  • Elsewhere
    Whatever they do, they need to distance themselves from the congregations.

    Ironically the WTS is already loosing control of the local congregations because of their loose legal ties... we know this because of all of the "be loyal to the organization" talks and watchtower studies.

    For them to loosen the legal ties even more will only serve to reduce their control resulting in even more demands for loyalty.

    I suspect the Watchtower Society will end up creating an "Information Services" company who's job is to act as in information warehouse for the local congregations. Basically the same idea as file storage service that many doctors, lawyers, banks, etc. use. This will give them the legal deniability but still grant them opportunity to "peek" at files during "routine maintenance related activities".

  • metatron

    I like your thinking, Amnesian.

    We should analyze this by scenario thinking, just as large companies do, such as Shell Ol.

    If they do nothing, they perpetuate a huge load of liability in that they can be held responsible any where in the US and can't count on clerical

    privilege to fend it off. They could adopt a different way to appoint elders, that's more local and decentralized. That would mean less control

    over who gets appointed and probably more deepened corruption ( which may have been much of the problem all along - what sort of idiots

    would appoint a child molester to office?)

    They could also simply forbid ANY appointment of anyone with a record of molesting kids. Alas, that would suggest that their fairytale

    world of repentance ain't worth sh*t.


  • itsallgoodnow

    I don't see legal issues ever being much of a threat to the WTS in the US. The US government doesn't give much of a damn when it comes to damages due to voluntarily joining an authoritarian cult. I mean, how could we really expect it to? It has too much to worry about to deal with the problems of people who should have known what they were getting into and now finding themselves bullied by these jerkoffs.

    If anyone's going to need to be worried, I would guess it would be anyone speaking against religious groups like the WTS either in print or on the internet. My guess is we'll be shut down before they get shut down. They have more money, so probably will end up with more rights.

  • looking_glass

    First of all any CA ruling is only strongest in CA as each state has its own statutes/case law. Some states rely on statutes when deciding cases and others case law (when a case is tried and is in print it is called case law). Until something comes down from the Supreme Court I will not hold my breath that any individual state decision and/or ruling will effect any other lawsuit pending in any other jurisdiction related to this issue.

    Also, just because a court says give us your records does NOT mean that they will rule in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant, WTBTS. The WTBTS was smart enough to be vague and ambiguous when writing the elder book so as to not come out and say in print ... don't report abuse and threaten anyone who says they are going to go to the police about same. As Richie Rich's scan of the elder book showed, there were hand written notes, so the subject is verbally addressed but there is nothing in writing from the Society. The reason, having something in black and white is far more damning in a court of law.

    As has been pointed out in the past, we are dealing with a corporation that runs a publishing company. Plan and simple. They are going to insulate themselves in every way possible.

  • Borgia

    Wt has in every cong a JC system in place. Based on some interpretation of 1 corinthians they may look for ways to evade further caals upon the worlds legal system. As example may be the timecards. Not the time slips, but the timecards the xecretary hold on to. due to privacy regulations we had to agree to the WT holding personal records of us. Quite a generic phrasology but it was neccesary to comply wit new privacy regulations.

    Analogous to that every babtized JW and to be babtized JW needs to sign a piece of paper saying what they will adhere to, especially a code of confidentiality and maybe something to the effect that any disagreements can only be settled in such and such a way. For instance by only calling upon the JC in the hometown.

    I´m not sure if it is at all legally feasable in all countries around the world or even in the western countries but I know of some countries, with legal systems which profess long waiting periods, absorbing a lot of funds without gurantees to success and corruption, where a form of arbitration may be part of the contract. Going around those provisions would automatically call for turning doen any request to have a case heard at court.

    May tie in with some other comments about a new announcement later this fall.....Just my 0.02



  • Borgia

    Wt has in every cong a JC system in place. Based on some interpretation of 1 corinthians they may look for ways to evade further caals upon the worlds legal system. As example may be the timecards. Not the time slips, but the timecards the xecretary hold on to. due to privacy regulations we had to agree to the WT holding personal records of us. Quite a generic phrasology but it was neccesary to comply wit new privacy regulations.

    Analogous to that every babtized JW and to be babtized JW needs to sign a piece of paper saying what they will adhere to, especially a code of confidentiality and maybe something to the effect that any disagreements can only be settled in such and such a way. For instance by only calling upon the JC in the hometown.

    I´m not sure if it is at all legally feasable in all countries around the world or even in the western countries but I know of some countries, with legal systems which profess long waiting periods, absorbing a lot of funds without gurantees to success and corruption, where a form of arbitration may be part of the contract. Going around those provisions would automatically call for turning doen any request to have a case heard at court.

    May tie in with some other comments about a new announcement later this fall.....Just my 0.02



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