Damn blasphemer hit my PARKED Mini Cooper!!!!!

by Elsewhere 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • barry

    Gday Elswhere, Dont worry the panel beaters will get the right colour from the number and also will paint the whole mudgard they make sure you wont see a colour difference by holding up the wet paint and matching with the paint of the car to fine tune the colour. Six months ago we had someone back into our Holden and the insurance paid everything because it wasnt our fault.

  • AudeSapere


    I really feel for you.

    What kind of a parking space is too small for a MiniCooper?????? LOL

    Sorry you are having such a sucky week.


  • Elsewhere
    This isn't a field service car brother

    No sir, it is NOT.

  • Elsewhere

    Gotta love Spiritual Food at the Proper Time... already taking the edge off.

  • Bryan

    Aren't you a little tall/big, not fat but not petite, for a Mini Cooper?

  • thecarpenter

    Next time, drive a big texas size Yukon... every one can see you (unlike a min cooper) and you can stretch out to boot. Besides, you are a big boy.

  • betterdaze

    Have you not seen the illustrations?

    In the New System, we won't need cars.

    We will all have wheelbarrows full of fruits and vegetables, instead.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    So, when a Mini Cooper gets hit, is there any oozy yellow juice that squirts out from under the crunchy shell? ;-)

  • confusedjw

    "How am I going to get the paint to match up? Will I need to repaint the whole car to get a proper match?"

    No worries there. The body shop will pull the color code right off the car itself and at the most will paint one whole side for a perfect match, if needed

  • AlmostAtheist

    Damn! Sorry Else, that sucks. Tell you what, why don't you and I swap cars? Mine's cherry!

    Wanna meet up Friday, say.. 8pm? I'll bring my title.


    Dave of the "Calls Down Evil On Stupid Drivers" class

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