washmetv? affiliation w/ jehovahs witnesses?

by candidlynuts 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts


    anyone ever heard of this website before?? its all about jw's w/ videos of kh dedications and such

    Washmetv.com (Work And Save Human Minority Entrepreneurs Tomorrow Vision) has designed a Success Seminar for the minority recipients it serves. This seminar is a workshop consisting of study tracks in career development, interview techniques, social skills concepts and self-esteem counseling. The seminar is intended to move the minority recipients into a state of work readiness, by equipping them with the tools necessary for acquiring and maintaining long-term employment. Because confidence plays an all important role in acquiring employment, Washmetv strives to enhance the client's self-esteem through counseling sessions.

    Washmetv.com will impart learning in a non-traditional environment, using non-traditional schedules. Washmetv.com will teach the basic design of auto cleanliness and teamwork. Job retention skills to assist individuals who have jobs to retain them, or go on to better paying jobs. Job acquisition skills will be taught by interactive training to negotiate and get jobs that can provide them with the skills needed to progress in a career ladder.

    Foundation Status Classification

  • candidlynuts

    they offer for sale dvd's of all three days of this summers assembly.

    any takers? lol

  • damselfly

    Could you imagine how horrible mind numbing it would be to have to watch those at home?
    At least at the convention there's cute boys to look at.


  • candidlynuts

    i wonder if they are training the kicked out bethelites how to function in the real world?

  • damselfly

    Like one of those "learn at your own pace" deals.
    "Career developement" is a great spin for "we show you how to wash rims"


  • candidlynuts


    just in case someone wants to watch any of the jw videos.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Well I thoroughly enjoyed some of those videos and recordings - very uplifting.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    they offer for sale dvd's of all three days of this summers assembly.

    any takers? lol

    No thanks, I'll pass on that one. I'd rather watch paint dry.

  • carla

    long-term employment--Why do they need long term employment if 'Deliverance is at Hand'?

  • candidlynuts

    lol carla. no kidding!

    i posted about the assembly dvds cuz earlier in the month some were asking how to get recordings from it. but i cant find (or remember) who it was that was asking .

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