I am in the process of packing all of my stuff into my little 4 door Mitsubishi (which I have to bring back of course since my mom won't let me keep the car) with just $255 to my name. Here's my previous story: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/9/116282/1.ashx
Its both an exciting and scary time for me but I did have one important question to ask:
Will the Elders D'F for moving out? I plan on telling my folks that I have a roomate now and I will be living downtown. That simple for those in the real world but to JW's its like saying you are having a sex change.
Anyways, I want to make sure I am doing this right to avoid the elders D'F me. I plan on not telling them nor my folks my address so will that just make them madder and D'F me anyway?
Am I supposed to just say I need time to myself and hope they forget about me eventually. I'm not a huge fixture in the hall. Most people think I am "new" when they bump into me but I have been going there for 3 years!
What do you guys thinK? Please send me your thoughts. I will be checkin the computer in between packing.