To what belief system do you subscribe? Belief-O-Matic!

by daystar 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • daystar

    Take the old Belief-O-Matic survey and post your results!

    Here are my rather interesting results:

    1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
    2. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (83%) 3. Liberal Quakers (82%) 4. Neo-Pagan (81%) 5. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (80%) 6. Secular Humanism (78%) 7. New Age (67%) 8. Bahá'í Faith (61%) 9. Nontheist (60%) 10. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (57%) 11. New Thought (55%) 12. Hinduism (52%) 13. Scientology (50%) 14. Jehovah's Witness (48%) 15. Taoism (48%) 16. Theravada Buddhism (45%) 17. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (36%) 18. Sikhism (32%) 19. Mahayana Buddhism (31%) 20. Jainism (23%) 21. Orthodox Quaker (21%) 22. Eastern Orthodox (20%) 23. Orthodox Judaism (20%) 24. Roman Catholic (20%) 25. Reform Judaism (18%) 26. Seventh Day Adventist (17%) 27. Islam (5%)
  • damselfly

    Mine were just about the same as yours with Unitarian Universalism leading the pack.

    Apparently I agree with 40% of the jws, which is rather high I thought?


  • SixofNine

    Hey Daystar, you'll get a kick out of this; when I was a Witness, I took that test, and came up with Jehovah's Witness #1 (whew! lol), Liberal Quakers #2, and Unitarian Universalist dead last.

    About 1 year after losing my religion, I took the same test and came up with: Unitarian Universalist #1, Liberal Quakers #2, and Jehovah's Witnesses dead last (whew!).

  • daystar

    Heh heh... what I can't figure out is how JW even shows up on mine at all...

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Here's my results:

    1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
    2. Secular Humanism (90%) 3. Liberal Quakers (89%) 4. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (83%) 5. Theravada Buddhism (79%) 6. Neo-Pagan (71%) 7. New Age (62%) 8. Nontheist (61%) 9. Mahayana Buddhism (60%) 10. Bahá'í Faith (59%) 11. Taoism (58%) 12. Reform Judaism (52%) 13. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (51%) 14. Jainism (49%) 15. Orthodox Quaker (45%) 16. New Thought (43%) 17. Sikhism (43%) 18. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (40%) 19. Scientology (39%) 20. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (35%) 21. Hinduism (31%) 22. Jehovah's Witness (30%) 23. Orthodox Judaism (24%) 24. Islam (22%) 25. Seventh Day Adventist (18%) 26. Eastern Orthodox (13%) 27. Roman Catholic (13%) Trust the jws to get in there somewhere
  • Warlock

    My top 5, which I can't believe:

    1. Orthodox Judaism (Didn't know I was annointed)

    2. Islam (I'd rather be a J.W.)

    3. Mormon (only if they start allowing Polygamy)

    4. Sikh (I would rather not wear something on my head)

    5. Jehovah's Witnesses (I really thought they would be # 1)


  • PrimateDave

    Top 10:
    1. Secular Humanism (100%)
    2. Unitarian Universalism (99%)
    3. Liberal Quakers (90%)
    4. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (83%)
    5. Theravada Buddhism (78%)
    6. Nontheist (74%)
    7. Neo-Pagan (72%)
    8. Taoism (57%)
    9. Bah?'? Faith (56%)
    10. New Age (55%)

    Strangely not last:
    16. Jehovah's Witness (32%)
    27. Roman Catholic (11%)

    Hmmm... might have to check out Liberal Quakerism! ;)


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Here is my amazing list. I didn't actually read much before I chose answers though. Looks like I'm headed off to the mormons or tha Bah faith. Good grief, i think this test is broken.

    1. Bah?'? Faith (100%)
    2. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (99%)
    3. Liberal Quakers (93%)
    4. Jehovah's Witness (93%)
    5. Orthodox Quaker (93%)
    6. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (88%)
    7. Unitarian Universalism (82%)
    8. Sikhism (78%)
    9. Orthodox Judaism (77%)
    10. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (76%)
    11. Mahayana Buddhism (76%)
    12. Reform Judaism (75%)
    13. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (71%)
    14. Theravada Buddhism (70%)
    15. Seventh Day Adventist (69%)
    16. Neo-Pagan (67%)
    17. Hinduism (66%)
    18. New Thought (64%)
    19. New Age (63%)
    20. Eastern Orthodox (58%)
    21. Islam (58%)
    22. Roman Catholic (58%)
    23. Jainism (57%)
    24. Scientology (51%)
    25. Taoism (49%)
    26. Secular Humanism (39%)
    27. Nontheist (18%)

  • DesertRat

    This site was an immense help to me early in the fade (late 2000 - 2002) when I was struggling to define a spiritual direction for myself. I still find it helpful now & then to see where I am at..

    My latest Top Ten are as follows:

    1.) Neo-Pagan (100%)

    2.) Unitarian Universalism (91%)

    3.) New Age (87%)

    4.) Mahayana Buddhism (83%)

    5.) Liberal Quakers (80%)

    6.) Jainism (77%)

    7.) Reform Judaism (76%)

    8.) Baha'i Faith (71%)

    9.) Sikhism (70%)

    10.) Hinduism (69%)

    #1, which occasionally trades places with #'s 3 or 4, has always made sense because of my primary interest in Native teachings, drumming, medicine wheels, Mayan/Toltec wisdom, etc.

    #2--There is a Unitarian Universalist church nearby which I have attended perhaps a half-dozen times. I love the eclectic atmosphere & wide variety of belief systems tolerated, but have no desire to commit myself fully to any one church or belief system (at least not now..)

    And guess what comes in dead last??? Yes...EVERY TIME!!! Think that should eliminate any lingering questions as to whether there still is, or ever will be, a place for me in the Org..

    Isn't freedom wonderful???


  • Axelspeed

    1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
    2. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (98%)
    3. Liberal Quakers (96%)
    4. Neo-Pagan (94%)
    5. New Age (89%)

    JWs still show up at number 23 on my list.

    It's a big change from a few of years ago when they were still in my top 5. I guess you can can that progress.


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