Tattoo! (got any?)

by mkr32208 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • mkr32208

    I got my first (last and only) tattoo in Vegas last week! Got my wife's name on the back of my neck (low enough that the shirt covers it!) I'll get her to take a pic and post it on here!

    So how many of you dirty apostates got tattoo's after you left (or before!) and what are they off! Pics would be great too if you have them!

    Also did they hurt like a SOB!? Mine hurt like the blue blazes! The artist said it was a sensitive spot but I've seen some in area's that sure LOOKED more sensitive! OUCH!

  • james_woods

    I god hauled up before the servants when I was about 12 years old because a friend and I were playing "lead pencil fight" and school and I got a couple of dark pencil spots under the skin of one hand. She was worried that I was "marked in my skin" like a pagan tattoo or something.

    They said it was OK religiously as it seemed to be an accident, but that I was certainly not to play fight games any more like a good unbaptized dubbie. I kid you not.

    Yes, mom was a brand new dub and was really getting into the swing of it. We even sold her beloved white 1959 Ford Galaxie 500 2-door hardtop that year and got a horrible brownish-gold 4-door Rambler.

    My shame was complete.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I got a large Celtic Cross on my left arm, a huge arm band on my right and a Trinity Knot on my chest just above my heart. Party like a pagan!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Stealth453

    I have 11 so far. Too numerous to list them all. My two fav's...1 I will post here, the other I will discribe. Left forearm..devils face with the letters WT intertwined with it. My tribute to the watchliar sociopaths.

  • Sparkplug

    So here is one of my larger ones. It might be my largest. I love it.

  • Legolas
    Tattoo! (got any?)

    I got 'one' prick in my arm...That's!...LOL

    I was a chicken sh*t teenager at the time!

    But hey can look at it as 'a dot' ...or ....The world...from far away!

  • IP_SEC

    Not yet but Im seriously thinking about it. This is what I want.


  • coolhandluke
  • misanthropic
  • HadEnuf

    A flying frog on my right forearm...a red-eyed tree frog on my left front leg and a little red-eyed tree frog on my right ankle. Rivet, rivet...croak.

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