Dis-association letter

by Suzie 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH
    In my opinion, the elders don't deserve to know your reasons

    For real!

    You could get a fancy invitation, and write on it with calligraphy ink,

    As of <today's date> you are cordially invited to kiss my @$$. Do not call my home, do not stop by my house, and do not attempt to contact me. Do not attempt to darken my character by making any announcement such as "so and so is no longer a JW" or I will SUE YOU PERSONALLY and the WT organization.


  • rekless

    Once the elders see "I am informing you that I no longer desire to be recognized as a Jehovah's Witness", they stop reading because they are not interested in any reason why...It is based on "Do you believe the Faithfull and Discreet slave is God's channel on Earth." You could prepare a totally Grade A manuscript with referances and perlouge and prolouges and it would be just a waste of your time and energy. If you want to give a reason, just state, "I no longer believe the F&D slve is used by Jehovah as his agent to dispense proper food at the proper time, because they continue to replace new light with old light and retread all the teachings.

  • Grace

    I agree to write a simple letter stating that you disassociate yourself. Send it to your congregation's PO and state no reasons. Just cut the tie.

    They will want to visit you and chastise you, but be clear that YOU ARE NO LONGER PLAYING BY THEIR RULES. This is very important. In my case, I refused to have them in my home. I had a number of phone calls and was a broken record. When the Elder said, "This means your friends will choose not to talk to you," I kept repeating, "I choose to be a Christian. I cannot help how anyone else behaves." I kept repeating, "I choose to be a Christian"; the message was very clear that a Jehovah's Witness life is not a Christain life.

    They chose to announce my disassociation just before my husband was to give a talk even though they had many other opportunities to announce this. It just goes to show you that they are masochistic mean bastards.

    Grace to you.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I will SUE YOU PERSONALLY and the WT organization

    I like that! I never wrote a letter, I was never baptized.

    Isn't it funny though, I've heard of people reporting things to Elders that should have been brought to the attention of the police, BUT they do not use Cesar's law RIGHT?? but if a non-witness or someone they consider outside the society, they go all out with lawyers, and civil rights and hides that from the org. well which is it? do you use Cesar's law or not???

  • Suzie

    I wanted to say thank you to everyone for reading this and giving me suggestions that I will definatly take into consideration! I appreciate it so much! I think I will be writting my letter very soon! Mostly because I know that if I do not, I will probably be DF'd anyway!

    My non-witness bf and I were seen by a couple of my old friends the other day. I think it is funny that after them not coming to my door or calling me, that just 2 days after being seen, they stop at my door to try to catch me. Trying to be able to "invite me to the convention coming up," I guess. I am not home right now anyway. I saw the invitation in my door. I don't know who stoped by. But I thought it was funny! Besides if they really cared and wanted me at the convension, I think they would have told me about it before now! It is only about 2 weeks away! HA!!!!!!

  • James Free
    James Free
    Once the elders see "I am informing you that I no longer desire to be recognized as a Jehovah's Witness", they stop reading

    I have to agree with the comment above. I have seen some detailed and well written letters put on this site. If it makes the writer feel better then why not? But it will have no effect on the elders and no one in the congregation will read what you wrote. They don't even announce you are the one to dis-associate. They will just announce .....is no longer one of JW. Then gossip will supply the 'details'.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    When you do this, make sure you are ready to sever all ties with all the people you have known in the Borg. When word gets around, you will be dead to them and even if your hurt and could die while laying in the street and you only need simple medical help to live, your fellow JWs will walk on by and ignore your pleas for help and allow you to die. This is their true display of love and obedience to a group of men.

    If anyone disagrees with me, please, by all means, PROVE ME WRONG!

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    I think it would be very healthy to write your letter - its something I wished I had done myself, only did mine verbally to an Elder. I would agree with other comments here, its up to you what you want to do, they have no power over you at all (its only the brain washing that tells you they do). Spell it out what you want to them, and be strong and don't give them an inch.

    CS 101

  • arwen

    I wrote a disassociation letter in June. I sent a copy of the letter from the United Nations website talking about the association of the UN with the WBTS and a brief letter stating that I wanted to be taken off any lists that I was on and that I was disassociating myself. I also stated that if it was announced that I had been disfellowshipped that I would seek legal action. I didn't want them to start rumors that I was disfellowshipped. I also sent letters to some friends that I deeply cared about and told them my reasons why I was leaving. My two letters are on the board here. Just profile my name and you can find them. It is almost like a divorce. I am choosing to divorce the WBTS for their unfaithfullness. I feel such a weight lifted from me. It is a very good thing to do...Do it for yourself.

  • sass_my_frass

    Yes, according to the Fair Religions Act of 1922, your reason for leaving must be specific and stated three times. Just kidding; there is no Fair Religions Act. The only authority these guys have over you is what you give them. You can write to them in crayon on a piece of cheese 'I think I'm a deity, and screw you if you think you're getting into my kingdom', and they'd call you a couple of times to check up, and then leave you alone, after telling every person you ever loved that you're as good as dead.

    If I had the time over again, I'd just turn my back and never speak to any of them again. I wouldn't tell them why because they don't want to know and won't listen. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of telling me I'm not good enough for their horrid little paradise. I wouldn't put it in writing, because that gives them something to file away, gossip about, and store in their book of pain for all time. Why play their game?

    btw; they're going to contact you a couple of times when they get the letter, just to make sure you're sure. Just say you are and that you never want to hear from them again.

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