To believe the Watchtower story takes a high degree of arrogance. To think you were so special that God drew you to his organization for salvation. but 6 billion other humans deserve destruction, is placing huge value on your own importance.
If you converted to being a JW do you think you were sucked in because you did not know the full story (ignorance) or was it because you really wanted to believe you were more special than everyone else (arrogance)? Or is there another factor that I am missing?
I am struggling to come to terms with my own parents, who converted in their mid twenties. My mother is a very controlling person, and I wonder if she was conned by the WTS, or if her personality drew her to a religion where she could say she was right and anyone that disagreed deserved to die. From your own experience, do people convert out of pure intentions, or is it a power trip inn order to feel special ?