I mean if you use the word like fuck,& SHit does he really care or is it something we humans made up ourselves?
Does God Hate four letter words?
by frankiespeakin 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Merry Magdalene
YES. All foure letter words are right out, and you won'te finde me using any of themm.
God and 4-letter words are both human inventions.
Does God Hate four letter words?
No less than he hates starving children in Africa.
The Dragon
I would say only He can answer that question.
It is too subjective to try to rely on a human opinion as an answer. IMO
Wh*t the f*ck are you saying? doG do*s lo*e fo*r letter words.
L*ke Po*r, du*b, ca*h, de*d, and a few mo*e.
doG is de*d.
u mean words like...love, just, kind, mild, meek, true, open, fair,
The Dragon
if you ask the FDS...they would probably say He hated, and was going to destroy the people saying the words. Never mind the words.
Could it be that when the NW translates "dungy idols" that the real persons said "Those Gods are just shit!"