Have any on this board read into this subject?
The Mayan Calander Ends 2012 December
by frankiespeakin 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes and although I have great respect for ancient civilizations I do not believe anything sigmificant will happen on that date
BlackSwan of Memphis
The little bit that I've read and seen on documentary type stuff says that the date 2012 is a date for more of a change in the world as we know it. Not the end of the world or whatever.
One person you might look into is Greg Braden. He has some interesting views on it.
Right now, it seems like "secular" and religious viewpoints are agreed that there is going to be big change in the world. Whether it be through war or whatever, there is something big coming up. I think it all coincides with the theory of the "Indigo Children". Interesting stuff.
A great many pre-Christian cultures viewed time as a cyclical, not linear. So, if the Mayan calendar does end in 2012, it simply starts over again on the next day, in exactly the same way that on a Christian calendar, a year ends on Dec 31, then a new one begins on Jan 1, without anything out of the ordinary happening. The problem is that Christians tend to think of time as linear, with a definite beginning, and end. So thinking in terms of a possible "end of time", and looking at a Mayan calendar leads to conclusions not intended by the Mayan creators of that particular calendar.
It has been talked about in a few things that i read. However, i put no trust in it. Cange has always been. Its rate has been increasing during the last century or two. I expect more of it.
I agree with Gaia... time is cyclical. Well, it has the illusion of being a cycle, anyway, as it doesn't really exist.
It will by no means be the end of the world... however, there will be a new beginning, I'd almost call it an evolution.
Just like an earthquake, the pressure is building mostly unseen. I'm not one for believing prophecies, let alone "The end is nigh" prophecies... but I have sought out the viewpoints of many people on this issue, and have come across a number of (very normal, yet often gifted) people that can feel something coming, having visions and some very interesting coincidences and events in their lives that point to an upcoming change, an event followed by the evolution of mankind. Most of these people have never heard of the Mayan calendar.
Call me a crackpot, but I'm one of them.
Hope you don't feel all this is too off topic Frankie, but I do find the coincidence between these viewpoints and the end of the Mayan calendar to be very interesting.
I predict that when December of 2012 passes the earth's polar ice cap will melt away and a huge chasm will open... from this great chasm will emerge a HUGE wooden Cuckoo at the end of a stick and it will proceed to declare unto mankind: Cuckoo!!! Cuckoo!!! Cuckoo!!!
The great wooden Cuckoo will then descend back into the great chasm and the icecap will then be restored to its previous state.
===== The Great and Almighty Elsewhere hath spoken =====
Ok, buddy... here's the post you've been waiting for... (lol)
seriously, though... i won't tell you my opinion unless you want a long drawn out conversation, but anyways, here's a link with well over 70 opinions on your EXACT question. Also, it supplies HUGE amounts of factual understanding for anyone else intrigued by this question.
your welcome...
hehe... interesting coincidence... I've never read anything on that 2012 site before, but my independant viewpoint seems to match their thinking, as far as what will happen goes.
In Mayan mythology each Long Count cycle is a world age in which the gods attempt to create pious and subservient creatures.
The First Age began with the creation of the Earth, and it had upon it vegetation and living beings. Unfortunately, because they lacked speech, the birds and animals were unable to pay homage to the gods and were destroyed. In the Second and Third Ages the gods created humans of mud and then wood, but these also failed to please and were wiped out. We are currently in the Fourth and Final Age, the age of the modern, fully functional human. Is it possible that these Ages referred to evolutionary change? If they did, then what might occur when the current age finishes on December 21, 2012?
Maybe food for thought.
Edited to add: Thanks for the link, Kishy.