Anyone here trying Byetta? New Diabetic Medicine from GIla monster spit.

by Wasanelder Once 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once


    I'm on the usual, Metfromin and Glyburide. I'm at the max doses and its just not working anymore. I'm asking for Byetta primarily because of the weight loss. I'm a very large man, who unfortunately doesn't appear as overweight as I actually am for my size. People think I weigh around 230 or so when I actually weigh 276. I have large bones, ever heard that one before?

    That's pretty amazing that you were able to get off the insulin. The main question I have is this, If the Byetta assists me to lose 50 pounds, will I be able to get off all meds, including the Byetta and control the diabetes with diet and exercise? What has your Doctor said about this? Is is possible for some people, or does your body get used to the Byetta and need it for good, ugh?

    Did you suffer fromt he nausea and or fatigue? I've read a blog where people have contributed thier experiences and they all had some form of one or another. All lost some weight and many lost much weight. How about you? Any of these things happen to you and how did you handle them?

    (This med doesn't give you diarreha in order to lose weight. In fact, it doesn't give you diarreha at all I'm told. It suppresses appetite. The weight loss is due to suppressed appetite and the change in diet to a low fat menu. You're body becomes ill when you eat fat on this injection program. The fat seems to increase the nausea. )

    Thanks to those who offered info on how to obtain the shots via a company program etc. I will be in touch.

    Diabetes shortened my Mother's life. ON top of that my mom had a goiter and didn't know it till just before she died. My sister and father have diabetes as well. My sister has a goiter beginning too. Dad is 78 and his diabetes came on just recently.

    Thanks all.


  • Redneck

    My diabetes is adult stage..I developed it, or actually it reared its ugly head in 2001 after going thru a lot of stress...I would love the wieght loss..One of the bad things about Actos was that I gained wieght..It's a side effect..It however does not effect my glucose levels..They are not sure why..And its almost impossible to shake it for some reason.. I had only read about Byetta earlier this year I did not even realize it was approved yet..I will bring it up to my Dr. next time we talk ..I would love losing the wieght..I so enjoy the normal blood sugars I have right now though..It has been great not haven a shot everyday... The Actos makes me a lil lithargic after meals..And like I said made me gain wieght..but other than that it was great for getting the Glucose levels normalized...

  • foundfreedom

    Yes I take it, I started off with the 5 and took it a month then my doctor switched me to the 10. Yes it will make you feel sick at times, I found that if I took it right before breakfast and then before supper then I didnt feel so bad. It really helps with the appetite and works well with metforman and avandaril. It really works for me hope you have success with it also.


  • Junction-Guy

    What a coincidence, I was just mentioning to Mom about a guy in my jail in Tennessee who takes Byetta for his diabetes, Mom said she hasnt heard of it, but she will ask her doctor about it. Diabetes runs rampant on both sides of my family, so its always a topic of conversation for us. Mom and Grandpa are both on insulin, all of my great grandparents were diabetics too. Im not diabetic yet, but it would be misery for me as I like to eat alot.


  • MsMcDucket

    Wasanelder, your doctor has to PROVE that you need a brand name medication because the GENERIC/lesser cost drugs don't work. You will have to have your doctor sign a statement saying that the Generic brands /lesser costing drugs don't work.

    Most insurance companies don't like to pay for new drugs that are still under patent (high cost), especially if you can get by with something else.

  • Sadie Masokissdick
    Sadie Masokissdick

    Dear Wasanelder: Have you ever considered undergoing gastric bypass surgery? If you ever decide to take this option, then I would I recommend a procedure called "roux-en-y." Roux-en-y is considered the "gold standard" of by-pass surgery because, with the roux-en-y procedure, a person avoids any chance of esphogagal cancer that occasionally is associated with the "mini-bypass" procedure. I underwent roux-en-y surgery in mid-December of 2005. Since then I have gone from 170 kilograms down to 115 kilograms; that is to say that I have lost 55 kilograms in about six months. My blood sugar level has correspondingly dropped from the 300's down to about 100-115. I no longer need to take the anti diabetes miletus drugs that I needed to take prior to the surgery. Likewise, I have stopped taking the beta-blocker drug, Sotatol. In fact, now I only need to take two pills a day - Glucoseme (because I have osteo-arthritis due to my prior obesity) and a multi-vitamin. The roux-en-y operation is very, very efficient for rapid, and permanent weight loss because it serves a dual purpose. It operates both on the principle of restriction and mal-absorbtion. That is to say, after the operation, food intake will be very much restricted or reduced because your entire large intestine will be by-passed, leaving only your small intestine for food intake. The mal-absorbtion principle means that whatever fat that you do intake will not be absorbed by your body. So, the operation has the "twin" benefits of restricted food intake and the malabsorbtion of fat. Of course, this is quite a radical surgical procedure requiring a lot of thought on the part of the person considering it. But, In my case, it saved my life.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once


    Right you are. Fortunately this Byetta is so new there is no generic for it. I may ride the cusp of a new wave here. The doctor said his patients are having great success on it and he had no problem perscribing it for me so long as I knew that I'd be footing the bill. Ok, so be it. I'll do whatever it takes.

    Thanks for the info.


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once


    Interesting moniker you have there, witty. I think that bypass surgery is a tad drastic in my case. I think the weight loss from the Byetta, the gym I belong to and proper eating should do the trick. I am dedicated to it this time. Someone at the gym recently told me that I was too busy taking care of other people that I dont take care of myself. That was sage advice. I put myself second more often than not. Recent events have shown that I'm better off taking care of myself. When in the Toof, I was always taking care of others, pioneering, mowing lawns for the older ones, reading the bible story book to a brother who had a stroke and handling all the responsibliities of an elder. The brothers use to say, "Be used up in Jehovah's service." Boy that was true, I gave them some of my best years of life. Now I have to take back my life and get healthy so I can take care of myself first, others second.

    That is fantastic that you had such success, I applaud your courage. All I have to lose is about fifty pounds. I can do it.

    Free at last.


  • foundfreedom

    I dont have any problem with my insurance not paying for it, I just have to pay a $30 copay, I have a friend that pays 80.00 for it because she doesnt have perscription insurance, just reg. medical insurance.

  • wednesday

    I went to and called the pharmacy line to check on it. They will call my insurance and see if they pay. my inurance has a interesting clause that allows a doc to write"dispense as written" or "medical necessity" and my insurance has to cover it then and at my regular co pay. Of course there may be other interesting clauses in there so you never know. if they won't, i'll appeal to insurance board. that generally works.

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