I just found a copy of what I sent Scully by Private Messaging after s/he would not let me post it in the other thread. Note that I simply said I fortunately could post items that 535 other people could get on the christianwitnesses fellowship website. Also that if silenced I would be motivated to also post elsewhere.
Hi, Scully. Given your power here I will try to comply although noting:
(1) This was put on a different side-page, not on Friends. It is also not identical to what Lawrence posted as what he posted was exceedingly long and I condensed it so that it could fit onto a page so that more people could read it better, it could be better photocopied and distributed etc;
(2) Since you, not just for once a month get to run ads for for-profit businesses across the top of the screen every single second here, your saying that a non-profit effort to save children's lives which has been posted here only occasionally (about once a month) seems unjust.
Still, you appear to be a moderator for this board or know how to get them to delete people, so you have all the cards for getting things done your way.
If you do silence my voice (note that I say MY and not WE, ma'am/sir, for I did this post, not Lawrence), then I am happy to note that I do have an alternative website with 535 signed in who will be happy to keep informed of the news. Also others will know what you have done, and I for one shall be motivated to ask friends help me post the news farther and wider on the internet (and in the real world) to compensate for the lost freedom of speech wrought as a result of your temper.
J. Mason Emerson/Joe
913 492-1564
---------------------------------- If you wish to say you "win" from the verbal exchange, so be it. I believe that Lawrence and the kids need to come out as the WINNERS even more so, though and would ask for peace and focus on what he is asking. I'm going to relax a bit and then start posting and emailing his call for help a whole lot and invite other readers to do that too. Thanks