It is from the "Berean Bible Teachers’ Manual" published in 1909.
Revelation-Book Related Collages (Art)
by GermanXJW 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thank you, germanXJW. I've checked, and Reexamine does not have it yet. What a shame. I would have liked to see the English version of that chart.
I guess some Bible Students groups sell reprints.
There is an interesting detail in this chart that has been revealed on the German board mention above.
The WTS claims in the Revelation-Book on page 105, (footnote in the box):
Providentially, those Bible Students had not realized that there is no zero year between "B.C." and "A.D." Later, when research made it necessary to adjust B.C. 606 to 607 B.C.E., the zero year was also eliminated, so that the prediction held good at "A.D. 1914."—See "The Truth Shall Make You Free," published by the Watch Tower Society in 1943, page 239.
Actually, if you take a look at this chart from 1909 you notice that they did not use any year zero at all! Instead they pointed out to the year 1915. (Obviously, they flipflopped on 1914/1915 in the writings before 1914.)
Here is another video collage that centeres on the fact that Bible Students were officially in the field in WWI. It is called 'faithful and discreet slave'.:
Good one geramanxjw. Had a look earlier this morning. the cartoons made me laugh.
Definitely worth a look (with the speakers on):
(The parts on no blood are a bit, well, bloody)
Definitely worth a look (in the background quotes from the DC about disfellowshipping):
Thanks for this GermanXJW
Jgnat - not sure if this will help...
In 1907 the Bible Students Edition of the KJV was published incorporating the 'Berean Bible Teachers Manual' as an appendix. This included cross-references with WBTS publications. An edition with an enlarged appendix was issued one year later.
It has also been released as "Berean Comments"
Source : reachout trust