Message for Americans

by Pork Chop 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    I received the following message from Australia, given the content of some of the postings here I think you'll find it interesting. There were sixty names following the message, as far as I know they are all Witnesses. I haven't listed the names for obvious reasons. This was the total content of the message.

    "We the undersigned wish to express our most heart felt and sincerest condolences to the people of America. Our prayers, thoughts and hearts are with you in this time of sadness and devastation. Time will mend but the memories will last a lifetime."

  • SixofNine

    Why do your post always paint a picture so completely different than the witness experience I grew up in and lived in and with till just less than a year ago?

    I mean, every single thing you say, sounds so false to what I know to be true about Witness culture. I hate to call you a liar, but it just isn't adding up. Please explain the difference in terms of why your contact with witnesses is so unlike the vast majority.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    I'm not a liar, whether you believe me or not is completely up to you. I recieved the e-mail about ten minutes ago.

    I would have to suggest that most people tend to see their personal experiences as representative, regardless of what they are, and they are especially locked into that view point of it supports their current actions or feelings. I find it telling that your first instinct is to call me a liar.

    My experiences have been different than yours, evidently. I'm sure you can find many, many Witnesses who would see their experiences as closer to mine than to yours.

    In my opinion, the bulk of people that post here are probably not representative, past or present, of most Witnesses. Their current viewpoint is based on their own paradigms. That can produce disquieting results, at least that's the way I would view the current pattern of rather goulish Witness bashing based on this unspeakable tragedy.

  • Zep

    "We the undersigned wish to express our most heart felt and sincerest condolences to the people of America"

    But we wont be giving a shit for you when God fries your ass at Armageddon

    "Our prayers, thoughts and hearts are with you in this time of sadness and devastation."

    But when it passes we will be praying for your ass to be fried at Armaggeddon... as usual

    "Time will mend but the memories will last a lifetime."

    Well, Only if you join us in the next system. Else too bad...God will pop yer ass

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop


  • larc

    Pork Chop,

    I read the words on Witness On Line. These are all active Witnesses. There were a minority that expressed the idea you posted. The majority were very cerebral about the whole thing. They mainly talked about the exciting implications for the witness work and Bible prophecy. Two of the posters used the term, "sad and exciting" when they discussed the recent events. How would you interprete those words?

    Regarding the posters here, there is a very wide cross section of people and experiences, so I think we are a representative sample of the witness experience. Your example of one e mail from one small group does not impress me. The comments by Witnesses in their home environment, that were posted on another thread, are more representative in my opinion.

  • Zep

    I'm sorry Porky. I know you meant well...i just couldn't resist.

  • SixofNine
    I find it telling that your first instinct is to call me a liar.

    Well, I explained that didn't I?

    Telling? Yes it is telling that everything you post is at odds with normal witness experience. Are you very new (in the truth, as it were, lol)?

    "We the undersigned wish to express our most heart felt and sincerest condolences to the people of America"

    That is NOT what one would expect from witnesses. Funny, but if it were, you wouldn't have posted would you? Probably NOT witnesses at all, even is sent to you by one.

    I was there for a long time, in a few different congregations, raised in, completely aware of all the writings and dogma, perhaps even more aware than most. I know what is normal and what is freakish. Your post ALWAYS point to a freakish experience.

    You have to admit, it smells like propaganda.

  • larc


    Yep, this is pure propoganda. This is how they talk at the door. We feel so bad about what happened, ain't it awful. Would you like to have a free Bible study? This is not how they talk amongst each other. Been there, done that.

  • Zep

    A good lesson to learn in life is that apparently very nice people can do very evil things.

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