Shattered my faith" is a negative way of spinning something I feel is actually a more positive thing. My experiences with JWs broke my trust in religious authority, and in other types of authority, too, but what I got out of it was a good understanding of how people manipulate you and screw you over, and how to see it coming before you get caught up in it. It's actually a great feeling to be able to look at everything and make my own decisions based on whether I think evidence of something is solid or shaky.
That's kinda the way I feel now. When my blind faith finally could 'see' again, I saw the WTS for what they truly are -- a very successful and dangerous mind-control cult. During the time my family was breaking up, after my slow spiritual decay, due to my questioning Wt 'things', my JW Mom died needlessly, because of the blood doctrine. For me, that was the 'straw that broke' the mental hold the WT had over me.
Since then, I lost my JW wife, my kids & relatives shun me. How can I not associate all of these bad things happening with the Bible or religion in general...when all these things were "done in the name of God ?"
I fully understand that JW's, Mormons, the Jonestown followers and others may be an aberration among the worlds different faiths. But, once I "woke up" to the WT's tricks...I looked around and saw a startlingly clear all supernatural belief systems: Control, control, control...many, many different small groups of leaders all telling the masses "what God requires of them". Once someone has that 'blind faith' in the leaders (that have the ear of their gods) they will pretty much do what they are told. They will tell you 'how' to have sex, how to vote (or not), how to talk, work, sleep, raise your kids, how to live and how to die.
I am not saying that religion does no good. But, the bad that is done, imo, far outweighs the good charitable works they do.
There is only proof of man's wisdom "in things that are written." "God" is a construct of the human mind...a way to explain what we don't understand. I no longer need a supernatural God to tell me what to do, especially since there is no evidence of "It's" care or intervention in mankind's affairs.
Having said that, I realize I could be wrong about everything. I just know I am a much happier person without religion. I think I'll be a better human, because I no longer believe I have a "second" chance. Although I felt bad at first, without that 'backup plan', I know that whatever I am going to accomplish in my life will have to happen in the next 20 - 30 years. Yep, a real deadline.
I don't want this to be all there is, but, I am just tickled to have been here. I seen beautiful things, tasted & smelled wonderful food and odors, I've loved other humans and have had that love returned, I've helped create children. If I die's been good. I can die peacefully knowing I mattered.
That's enough for me. Really !