This is my first time on this discussion forum. I can see there's a lot of apostates and skeptics aboard. In response to my statement of Satan worming his way in, Satan is the god of THIS system of things. His purpose is to distract people from worshipping Jehovah in truth and righteousness, even ones within Jehovah's organization. Money and greed is a very powerful distraction. We as humans all have free will and make our own decisions on what actions we take. It's really sad that so many have many such bad, selfish choices. I used to live in Capistrano Beach and knew many of the guys (I don't want to call them brothers) involved. Their scams have been revealed and slowly but surely they're being weeded out and hopefully they'll all go to prison like they deserve to.
S.E.C. Sues Jehovah's Witnesses For Investment Frauds
by West70 47 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I can see there's a lot of apostates and skeptics aboard.
You've got to love the labels utilized by this poster, likely attributable to the programming he/she has been subjected to.
Satan is the god of THIS system of things. His purpose is to distract people from worshipping Jehovah in truth and righteousness, even ones within Jehovah's organization. Money and greed is a very powerful distraction.
Actually,most people in this "system of things" are interested in acquiring or maintaining monetary wealth, and have very little interest in Satan. Accordingly, referring to Satan as the "god" of this system of things is misleading; the real "god" of this "system of things" is the almighty dollar.
It's interesting that you refer to your organization as "Jehovah's Organization." This god you purport to worship, "Jehovah," must be quite an interesting entity, if he chose the Watchtower to be his organization. Why would a supernatural being choose an entity as his "organization" that has a horrific record of supporting the abuse of children, is responsible for the deaths of many due to its flawed and illogical ban on blood transfusions, has been exposed for its hypocrisy in condemning the UN while being a member of the UN, is responsible for the destruction of many families and has made numerous false prophesies? A "god" supportive of such an organization is unworthy of worship.
144001?? Interesting name. Sounds like you believe there's a specific number of individuals going to heaven. You must be the additional one. I would be happy to discuss issues with you. Why don't you seek me out door to door til you find me.
BTW, if you're so down on JW's, why are you on a JW discussion forum?? Why don't you just distance yourself from us?
Satan is the god of THIS system of things. His purpose is to distract people from worshipping Jehovah in truth and righteousness, even ones within Jehovah's organization.
Is that to imply that people can worship Jehovah outside his organization?
if you're so down on JW's, why are you on a JW discussion forum??
Even though not directed at me, I have to reply... discuss JWs? Why does one have to be a JW to discuss JWs or their beliefs. Notice the heading under the name of the board..."everyone welcome"...that would include those who don't agree with JWs, ex-JWs, current JWs and disgruntled JWs.
144001?? Interesting name. Sounds like you believe there's a specific number of individuals going to heaven. You must be the additional one. 144001?? Interesting name. Sounds like you believe there's a specific number of individuals going to heaven. You must be the additional one.
Ignoring the redundancies of your reply, your efforts to discern the implications of my message are rather interesting. You assume that: [1] I believe in the existence of "heaven," as that term is used in a spiritual application; and [2] that I assume I'm going to be going to this "heaven."
The problem with the Witness faith, as well as many others, is the multiplicity of assumptions relied upon in arriving at conclusions that will have a substantially adverse effect on one's life. Both of your assumptions above are entirely wrong. I don't believe in the existence of "heaven," as such term is construed by theists. Inasmuch as I don't believe in the existence of "heaven," it follows that your second assumption, that I'm going there, is also wrong.
I would be happy to discuss issues with you. Why don't you seek me out door to door til you find me. I would be happy to discuss issues with you. Why don't you seek me out door to door til you find me.
Your suggestion that I knock on doors untill I find you is about as reasonable as the beliefs you purport to possess.
BTW, if you're so down on JW's, why are you on a JW discussion forum?? Why don't you just distance yourself from us?
Misrepresenting my statements does not change their content. Alleging that I'm "down on JWs" is a thinly guised effort by you to misrepresent my comments on this forum and characterize me as someone who dislikes individual Jehovah's Witnesses, notwithstanding the clear content of my post, which is critical only of the Watchtower organization, and not any individual members. Misrepresentation of the views and/or statements of others is a classic JW technique for dealing with uncomfortable situations arising from their own inability to effectively debate a particular topic or respond to a particular situation. Whatever you want to call this sort of conduct, it's dishonest at best.
In any event, others on this thread have provided an appropriate answer to your query as to why I'm here.
His purpose is to distract people from worshipping Jehovah in truth and righteousness, even ones within Jehovah's organization.
Nobody here cheers for Satan, get it in your head. Want the truth? Research it from many diferent sources....unless you are afraid.
*** Watchtower 1983 January 15 p.22 Exposing the Devil’s Subtle Designs ***
Avoid Independent Thinking
20 From the very outset of his rebellion Satan called into question God’s way of doing things. He promoted independent thinking. [...] 21 How is such independent thinking manifested? A common way is by questioning the counsel that is provided by God’s visible organization.
Truth has nothing to fear from independent thinking, right? How about starting with Crisis of Conscience book by Raymond Franz.
Truth has no expiry date .
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