OK, you went on google and searched for..................
What did you first go search for when you had your first computer?
by JH 28 Replies latest jw friends
I was in a techie job, so I searched for 'cognos powerplay' .It took me awhile to search for 'jehovahs witnesses'. -
Jehovahs Witnesses.......that was back in 1998
Honestly I don't remember what I searched for, but I think it was something sexual
Porn! Duh! Just kidding.
I don't remember. That was a loooooong time ago.
glassblowing equipment
cannabis related stuff
old school bmx
Before I had Internet access, in the mid-1990s, I went to the public library and searched "Jehovah's Witnesses."
I found Doc Bob's site, and for the first time realized that I was not alone in my questions about the teachings of the JWs. What a relief - while at the same time always looking over my shoulder to make sure that a Witness from my congregation wasn't standing behind me at the library - to find that I wasn't insane, wasn't an arrogant, prideful Judas, wasn't anything but a normal, intelligent person who found much of WTS theology illogical and unreasonable.
I had only recently stepped down as a long time elder, and to make the transition to where I am today, I can only credit the Net.
What made it so powerful to me was that the experiences I read, I could tell from my own experience that they were absolutely true. I didn't see any of the things the Witnesses had led me to believe motivated those who left. What I saw was just a mirror of my own experience and doubts. It was incredibly powerful, and why I stay involved with these forums a decade later.
I searched for myself.
Then JWs and found WitnessaidUk ran by a guy in Scotland called Anton, who was an ex elder and extremely kind and helpful . I think the site got closed down though by the WBTS.
duran duran i think, back in 2000.
You couldn't search for anything, there was no internet. You usually talked to other people who had computers to see if they had some program or game you could use. My first computer was a Commodore 168, no hard disk, just a floppy.
Ken P.