Sexual Practices--Mosaic Law and JWs

by blondie 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • undercover

    Would it be possible to scan and post the entire article?

    What was the overall import of this article? Just historical information as to how and why? Or was there an underlying message of, "you should follow this same law"?

    Does it say anywhere in the article that "christians" today aren't under the mosiac law, but yet the "principle" of abstaining from sex at this time is one that modern day "christians" should consider?

  • Hellrider

    Do they seriously DF people for driving the red fire truck? Rowing the boat up the red river? That`s a DFing offense? There might be a lot of brothers and sisters out there that have a lot to repent then, I think...

  • blondie
    (Leviticus 20:18) 18
    "‘And where a man lies down with a menstruating woman and does lay bare her nakedness, he has exposed her source, and she herself has laid bare the source of her blood. So both of them must be cut off from among their people.

    Does this mean this is a dfing offense? It is so ridiculous for the WTS to apply the Law to Christians.

    Just my sarcastic comment since under the Mosaic Law it was a capital offense it transfer then by WTS reasoning to being a DFing offense...


  • funkyderek
    Rowing the boat up the red river? That`s a DFing offense?

    Yes. You should follow the Bible's advice in Proverbs 6:9: "When the red river flows, take the muddy path"

  • Balsam

    I got into an arguement with an Elder one time he was going on and on about valued women were among the Israelites. I said then why were there monthly periods considered unclean? God created them that way then why would he claim it is an uncleaness? Why did he allow husbands multiple wifes but not allow women multiple husbands? Why were women told be submissive to their husbands rather than showing men that women were equal standing with men in God's eyes?

    Anyway it went on and on the Elder said finally this converstation is over that I had no humility. LOL Yah and why should I?????? I said this as I left. LOL

    The bible if looked at from the Hebrew scriptures treats women as possessions not people. The point was that Jesus meant to set women free from the bondage to men they lived in is how I see it.

  • Hellrider
    Yes. You should follow the Bible's advice in Proverbs 6:9: "When the red river flows, take the muddy path"

    Yuck...I never liked that. That hole is for pooping, and pooping only imo.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    The law is not physical (we know that the law is spiritual), and utilises "what people do" as a basis for teaching spirituality as reflected by nature - this is about a confession

    And where a man lies down with a menstruating woman and does lay bare her nakedness, he has exposed her source, and she herself has laid bare the source of her blood. So both of them must be cut off from among their people.

    Jwism is an absurd use of physical application of what is spiritual - living according to the flesh

    my point of view is that they have no idea - no idea at all

  • toreador

    Makes one wonder doesnt it.

  • greendawn

    Obviously the Mosaic law was done away with after Jesus but the JWs have a very strong judaic slant they rely too much on the old testament and they have too much of a mosaic attitude.

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