Is America one big cult?

by barry 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sheepish
    As for politics and nationalism ... although people will argue that there is no constitutional statement that says "church and state" must remain separate, if you study history and the founding father's intent upon establishing a government that was equal to all (at least to all white men - absent women and minorities) they intentionally set to keep religion out of it because it was recognized that religion was a division as opposed to a cohesive factor. But America has always had a problem separating religion from politics. It was founded by puritans who were all about governing and dominating others.

    Slightly revisionist. They strove to keep Government OUT OF RELIGION. Having come from a place where there was a state religion, they realized if there was to be freedom to worship, the government must be curtailed. It has only been in recent history with the media help that it has been turned around. (reference "1984" ) Most of our founding fathers had & stressed faith. I think it was Adams who commented that our system of government wouldn't work without Godly people. When people stop believeing in God and become their own gods, then whatever they decide to do is ok.Blah blah blah I'm starting to preach sorry.

    America is not a cult.It's more like the Disneyland of the world. There are sects that combine their nationalism with their religious beliefs, but from my study of the Bible, God is neither Republican nor Democrat.

    No king but Jesus is my motto. If you have the audacity to fly an American flag in church there better be one for Jesus higher on the pole...

  • looking_glass
    They strove to keep Government OUT OF RELIGION

    Or did they strive to keep religion out of government. The puritans fled or were forced out of a country where church and state were the same, because the state was the head of the church. Although the founding fathers may have discussed godliness were they discussing religion or the morals and principles promoted by religion. Critical thinking gives rise to the question of the motive of the speaker. These are the same imperfect men who some of which had slaves, some of which had children with their slaves but denied their existence, these are the same people who held beliefs but would write under false names different ideas then they promoted in the public speeches. They lead double lives. So what they said v. what history holds out to be what truly encompassed their belief system again leads me to believe that the majority worked for true separation between the two entities.

  • barry

    Gday looking glass, I note that youre aussie friends noticed the American flag and some here in Australia now fly the aussie flag more now. When I first visited California the flags stood out too. While I said America is a big cult it may be it just seems that way to me Im just not used to soldiers comming into church meetings. Also some SDAs take the same position as the JWs and dont partake in war or join the military and I would say being in this meeting would be offencive too them.


    Hey Robdar,

    I see you posted a link in which the usual suspects are after the religious right.

    I wonder if you would support going after, let's say, West Angeles Church of God in Christ when they have their usual parade of Democratic candidates for national offices?

  • looking_glass

    Barry - I don't think you are diss'n the states. I understand where you are coming from, because I have the perspective of people from all around the world who point things out that I am oblivious to because I am bombarded with it every day.

    What I take offense to more then just the military trying to get people to sign up all the while listening to the gospel of john ... my issue is that the military targets poor communities. They have tactics that would shock and disgust most people. But if the military did not do all it could in getting people to join up, the US would have no military.

    I still hold that America is one big cult. Religious fanatics drive me insane and it seems like they are every where in the states. I don't recall running into these same types of freaks when I lived oversees.

  • looking_glass

    P.S. go to this thread and see what also kills me

    House OKs bill guarding Pledge from courts

    Again, this proves that there is no separation and there is a firm belief that this is what the writers of the constitution wanted. But I really really believe that if people truly knew their history, they would agree that the founding fathers did not want the two to comingle.

  • parakeet

    ***but when visiting my dad the other day got me thinking when he played a dvd he had.***

    I'm glad you made the disclaimer that you're not a "yanky" basher. Otherwise, I might have thought that judging an entire nation based on a DVD, or using such terms as "nationalistic hymns," "little yanky flags," and "cult" would have a perjorative slant.
    I wonder what you say when you are "yanky" bashing.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    all religions start as apostate cults, and all countries start as rebels.

    'this land is my land from California to New York

    lol! and i bet it blows right over their head that woody guthrie was a communist........ freakin morons man.... (and yes, lots o morons in canada too, starting with our new PM, the george dubya clone)


  • barry

    Gday parakeet, Actually i dont say anything when Im Yanky bashing mainly because Im a Yanky supporter as Ive said before. I think its because we are from slightly different cultures and some things you do are a bit odd. As you may know our head of state isnt even an Australian she is English. When we go to court its The Crown v John Doe not the people v John Doe. Also we all speak the Queens english here.Also our head of state isnt a politician

  • Tigerman

    I don't know about the entire USA, however, I do know that down here in the Florida panhandle it's like no where else I've lived in the country, and that covers 5 states ( mid-west through far South ) After 11 years in Chicago this place seems like I 've gone back in time . . .to one big political/church goin'/flag wavin'/might is right/damn the environment ( if it happens to be in the way of our business interests )/big-ass pickup truck gas guzzlin' vehicles/condominium buildin' on the beach no matter what the people say . . .locales that truly believe God is only on their side. Reparations for Native Americans come wrapped in a shiny, bow topped basket filled with vice inducing comehethers ( what's your problem, it's only gambling ? ) Bingo halls everywhere slicing away the petioner's grocery money . . . . . .need I go on?

    It's all really sad. My heart breaks for my country. A country where I served for 22 years , risking my life and limb to save others and their property. A country where my brother lost the back of his left leg and buttocks in that old war, the one in SE Asia. A country where my Dad served in the South Pacific on Quadacanal. A country where another member our family spent his life ( no names please ) working for the State Dept. in far away countries.

    Where is my country; why have the far left and the far right destroyed it? Where is my country/ my soul on earth?

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