by exodus 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • exodus

    Hi all,

    I just like to give everyone my account as to how I lived thru this tragedy. I worked on the 70th floor at 2WTC as an employee of Morgan Stanley. I was supposed to be in early but decided to go make it late. That morning, I received a phone call from Patriot my friends who also post here that a plane had crashed into one of the tower. My fleshly sister and many of my co-worker worked at 2WTC floor 67th and 70th floor when this happened. At the time I did not know which tower was hit but as I'm watching the news and getting dress to go find my sister the second plane hit tower # 2. My sister was sitting at her desk when the plane came crashing into the building. Most of my co-worker and other worker on the upper floor were evacuating the building. They had already evacuated everyone on the upper floor when the first plane hit above 70th floor. My sister saw the big cloud of smoke and engine fuel falling from the top. She inmediately ran down the stairs along with everybody else on the floor. She suffers from heart problems but thank God she made it out ok. She was overcome by grief as she saw body parts and debris all over. Luckily she made it far enough before tower # 2 collapsed. She is in total shock and is currently getting professional help.

    I got close enough to see tower # 2 collapsed and just could no bear to see what was happening. NYC was in total caos. I was trying to search for my sister and all my co-worker. Thank God they all made it ok! The second plane hit right above my boss office. It is a real tragedy that only of the total people that were inside made it out.

    Then Tower # 1 collapsed right in front of my eyes. I thank God for those who made it out safe. I pray for the family of victims who perished or were injured. I'm really thankful that I decided to go to work at my regular hour. But if I had decided to be there at 9:30AM I think that could have been tragic for my family. I thank those who I personally know on this board who called me at home an left me messages just to find out if I was ok. My company was leasing at the time 25 floors. Tower # 2 was technically called Morgan Stanley. It is sad and right now is so painful to imaging that there are so many people missing. This is terrible tragedy and evil act of terrorism. Lets all pray for everyone who has lost friends or relatives.

    I will probably come back at later time to post. Love everyone and again I thank God I made it Ok!

  • Latte


    My heart goes out to you, and all suffering Americans...........so glad that you decided to be late.


  • outnfree

    (((((((Exodus & Exodus' sister))))))

    I am SO glad that you are both safe.
    And thank you for your account.

    Folks, there were 289 companies doing business at the World Trade Center Towers No. 1 and 2 and I don't know how many at 7 World Trade Center. The death toll will be enormous. I cannot fathom how the survivors will deal with the trauma. They are victims, too. As, to a lesser degree, are we.

    I wish you all strength and courage in the days to come.


  • Tina

    (((((((((exodus and sis)))))))))
    Good news! Thanks,T

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • Amazing

    Hi Exodus: I didn't know you worked there, but I am very pleased you are okay, as well as your sister. Give our love to her and know that our hearts are with your and hers and those you know that made it out okay. Our hearts grieve for those who didn't makes it out, and hope for thier souls. Please tend to your family, but we look forward to your return to post here. - Amazing

  • peaceloveharmony

    (((((exodus & sis))))))

    thank you for sharing your experience. i can't imagine the horror....takes my breath away and makes my heart ache.

    so glad you are okay!


    Most people think, Great God will come from the skies, Take away everything And make everybody feel high. But if you know what life is worth, You will look for yours on earth: And now you see the light, You stand up for your rights.~~Bob Marley

  • MrMoe

    ((((((exodus and all)))))) My prayers go out on your behalf and those whom you love.

  • Esmeralda

    Glad you're okay, exodus, and your sister too. I hope that she will be allright after the terror she has experienced...


  • ZazuWitts

    I am so releaved you and your sister came to no physical harm...or worse! My thoughts are with you both, and I hope your sis can cope with the horror she witnessed...it is all so horribly mind-boggling. (Hugs to you both.)

  • ARoarer

    Hi exodus, wow! I am so glad you are safe. Prayers go out for you and your sister dealing with the emotion of this trauma. Those you worked with are in my prayers.

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