I'm glad he's here, and I think diaper boy is cool.
by Wasanelder Once 32 Replies latest jw friends
I'm glad he's here, and I think diaper boy is cool.
Keep the diaper; it would be worse without it.
Love Stealth...the diaper disturbs me
yes i'm glad he is here.
no don't lose the diaper. however, if he chose different avatar that would be ok. mrs2sheep doesn't like it, but even she had to admit it wasn't the worst one on jwd.
Don't care. I'm about as glad he is here as I am of anyone else.
I'm glad he's here. As for the diaper, that's his choice and one that I wouldn't be interested on expressing an opinion on. I certainly don't find it offensive, as some have stated. We've had far worse, over the years.
Stay Stealth. I'm not offended by the big man's pull-up!
I am glad that stealth is still here. And the diaper means something to him. I hope he keeps it.
On the woodnet forum I post on, we can turn off avatars. I chose that option rather than being distracted by images I don't want to look at once, let alone twice. They also have a "ignore user" option that I like a lot. Anonymous posting tends to encourage incredible avatars.
On Sawmill Creek, they don't allow any anonymous posting and those avatars are reasonable and the posts are a lot more friendly than any anonymous forum I visit. A prospective employer or your father-in-law can Google your name and read all your posts. That tends to promote reasonableness.
Howabout an aposta-diaper-fest in Stealth's honor?!
I'd go to one, - just as long as everyone else brings their diapers too,