Favorite Band as a teenager........

by whyamihere 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsUrsy

    My favorite band from the time I was 14 until I was well into my 20's was Journey...I met Steve Perry in the airport in Salt Lake City after seeing him in concert, (solo). He was someone I thought I would pass out if I met. Funny thing is...my husband was going to the bathroom in the stall right next to him in the airport! He was a really nice guy...very talented! But, my all time favorite band as it stands now...U2!! Saw them in concert in Salt Lake City in December and it was the closest to a spiritual experience I had had in years...(hmm, wonder why)


  • Midget-Sasquatch

    U2 (I already learned how to ignore those preaching to me so Bono didn't/doesn't bug me)

    Def Leppard

    And now all of you can laugh it up with the following, but when I was sure no one could hear or see me, I'd listen to:


    The Bangles

    Miami Sound Machine

  • 2112

    I am a British invasion fan....But a fanatic for great guitar players-

    Led Zeppelin, Queen, UFO, Robin Trower

    Plus all the gun slingers from the 80's-

    Yngwie Malmsteen, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani.....

  • unique1

    Early Teenage years - Poison

    Late Teenage Years - Pearl Jam

  • Tuesday

    Hmm, so teenager from 93-00, I went through some phases but it was mainly Kilgore Smudge, Gorilla Biscuits, Warzone, Nirvana, MxPx, Pennywise, and Bad Religion.

  • Thegoodgirl

    Am I the only one here who had almost all radio stations and CD's banned in her household in those delightful JW teenage years? No alternative, no rock, no hip-hip/rap. And nothing that sounded "disrespectful." Well, that left "Singing Kingdom Melodies", of which my favorite was song number 15, but now I don't even remember what song that was.

    But classic rock was allowed, so I got into that in the later teenage years, and discovered Fleetwood Mac much later than anyone else. "Landslide" is my favorite song.

  • OpenFireGlass
    Am I the only one here who had almost all radio stations and CD's banned in her household in those delightful JW teenage years? No alternative, no rock, no hip-hip/rap. And nothing that sounded "disrespectful."

    HELL NO ; You're not the only one... I musta' went through 6 copies of Metallica's ; "Master of Puppets" before I left home... I did my best to hide them, but well, you know how the searches go probablly...


  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Well, that left "Singing Kingdom Melodies", of which my favorite was song number 15, but now I don't even remember what song that was. -The Good Girl

    Life Without End At Last

    LOL, sorry I couldnt' help myself. (Oh crap, now it's stuck in my head.)

  • Soledad
    Am I the only one here who had almost all radio stations and CD's banned in her household in those delightful JW teenage years?

    No you aren't. I was just very skilled at hiding all my cassettes.

  • damselfly

    <<Am I the only one here who had almost all radio stations and CD's banned in her household in those delightful JW teenage years?>>

    I lost soooo much music because my parents would search my room and toss it. I just gave up after a while, stopped buying music and kept my favorites with me at all times.

    No radio, unless it was country (umm...no thanks) no videos, nothing "alternative" and on and on.


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