How tolerant are you?

by nicolaou 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dansk
    Idiots with bluetooth gadgets sprouting from their ears having loud conversations into thin air! Twats driving while on their mobile phones, morons smoking in no-smoking areas, kids who talk in cinemas - line up all of you and let me give you all a bloody good thrashing - I cannot tolerate you!

    Laughed me bollocks off!

    Nice one, Nic!


  • trevor

    This is an interesting question. Tolerance is an engineering term and measures the amount of stress something can be subjected to before it breaks.

    When we suffer in silence at other peoples selfish behaviour we are under stress. Give enough stress we too can snap.

    So does tolerance involve suffering in silence and not reacting and taking action to stop the stress or does tolerance imply that we are genuinely not affected much by other people?

    In other words is out tolerance level determined by the point at which we suffer or the point at which we snap?

    Have I over analysed this light hearted thread? Can’t help it you will all have to tolerate me…

  • avengers

    Elder who messes with kids: Zero tolerance

  • greendawn

    I can't stand people that talk on their mobiles while driving that is dangerous and often they slow down their speed to a minimum to cope and I don't like getting held up behind them.

    On the other hand we need to be tolerant of neighbours dogs if they don't bark too much, we can't expect total silence from a dog.

  • anewme

    Trevor's right! One can be too tolerant. In my case I was the original myspace before the website was invented! I mistakenly believed it was my place on earth to be the space for everyone to pour out their troubles and dump their garbage and take out their abuse thanks to the early training I received from an irreformable alcoholic mother.

    I paid a high price and wasted alot of years wearing that kick me welcome sign around my neck.

    So I think one can be too tolerant, unnaturally tolerant to the detriment of ones health.
    Its nice to be patient and kind and tolerant, but when others are clearly in violation of crossing clearly marked societal or personal boundaries or showing evil intent or blatant disregard for the feelings and sensitivities of others, then it is the time to end the tolerance. It is time to put a stop to the offending behavior.

  • PrimateDave

    I think I am pretty tolerant. I try not to prejudge people by their race, culture, sexual preference, economic background, etc. But, I have a big problem with noise pollution, namely the idiots who drive around in vehicles with the music/bass turned all the way up! No tolerance for that!

  • unclebruce
    I was just skimming through LT's intolerance thread and it seemed to me that sometimes tolerance is a terrible thing.

    We don't tolerate racism, sexism or abuse and punish it when we can. We expose and ridicule individuals and corporations if they are found guilty of fraud or deceit because we are intolerant of dishonesty. But in certain areas it seems you must be tolerant - whether you want to be or not.

    I want the freedom to be an intolerant and grumpy old git!! I want to ridicule those inane telemarketers that always call me when I'm having my dinner, and why do they ask me how I am?!! Who the hell are they and why do they care? Get lost, I cannot tolerate you.

    Idiots with bluetooth gadgets sprouting from their ears having loud conversations into thin air! Twats driving while on their mobile phones, morons smoking in no-smoking areas, kids who talk in cinemas - line up all of you and let me give you all a bloody good thrashing - I cannot tolerate you!

    And there's so much more - bad service, lazy, workshy benefit cheats, anti-intellectualism and the dumbing down of society. Big Brother!! Holy crap I think I'll go live on some deserted rock because I just cannot tolerate the idiocy much longer.

    tolerate that!

    Beautifully said Nic best wishes, grumpy unc

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