The End is coming Pretty Soon, Folks

by Flowerpetal 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stealth453

    Count me in too IP, I'll start saving up my old nappies to toss at him, as well.

  • Carmel

    end of what, heathen?


  • jwfacts

    When the end doesn't come very soon, what then?

    They'll wait 10 years till most have forgotten the hype, and then there will be another run of the same "the end is nigh"

  • greendawn

    Another campaign to motivate the R&F (slave workforce) to put in more work and produce results. They are stupid enough to believe the end of the world stories even after so many failures in the past.

    The trustworthiness of those putting out so many false alarms should be nil.

  • SPAZnik

    "So much carnage; so little time."

    LMAO parakeet.

  • Tuesday

    Soon eh, I'm going to be in trouble.

    Jehovah - "what were you doing during the time of the end to help mankind?"

    Me - "Does recycling porn count?"

  • TweetieBird

    What's sad is that the average JW will believe this. Right after they announced that invitations would be extended to people at the door to come to the convention, my mother-in-law was sooooo excited. Now we have real evidence that we are in the time of the end because never in the history of the organization have they ever done this. Jehovah is really speeding things up. I could go on and on but I don't want any of you fine people to lose your lunch.

  • Finally-Free
    Yes...the end is coming pretty soon because never before in JW history has an invitation or tract been distributed to a city not designated a convention city.

    Whoever said this is misinformed. We distributed tracts in Toronto even though our conventions were in Hamilton.


  • Honesty
    The End is coming Pretty Soon, Folks

    Ya don't say.

    The WATCHTOWER shot themselves when they proclaimed Christ's coming in 1914. I just didn't figure it all out until a few years ago.

    If He's back, God lied. also the Messiah , having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for Him. Heb 9:28

  • Rabbit

    *** w05 1/15 p. 14 Christ—The Focus of Prophecy ***

    Today, we are well along in "the Lord’s day." Soon, Christ will destroy Satan’s entire wicked system of things and deliver God’s people.

    Jesus s-e-e-m-e-d like such a nice guy when he was on earth. See what hanging around for 2,000 years with his psycho murderous, multiple personality Father did to him ?

    "Son, I've got a little job for you...I need you to wipe out a few billion humans for me. Think you can handle it ?"

    "Sure, Dad, anything for you !"


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