When I was a JW, I believed what I was told to believe. After all it was the truth. But now I no longer believe that what they were telling me was the truth. So this opens up my mind to a lot of different ideas. Some of things I was told about the bible still stay with me. But a relationship with God is not something I have nor really desire at this time. When people ask me about my religion I usually make a crack that confusses them and let me off the hook. My favorite is "Oh I believe in God, I just don't agree with his politics." Or "For years I made an attempt at a relationship and found I was co-dependent. So now I am waiting for him to make the first move." But I do catch myself deffending the bible. Why I cant figure out.
I also have a very open mind about things I never did before. Afterlife, ghosts, aliens, and anything spiritual I really don't know where I stand. If I ran into a little green man tomorrow, I don't think it would matter one way or the other to me. More like,"Well that's something you don't see every day! Guess I need to get rid of the New York time and start reading more tabloids." I am joking....a little.
I feel what ever makes you happy do it. Believe what you want. Have the life that you want. Do what you want. (Just leave the farm animals alone.)