How open are you to new ideas.

by poodlehead 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • poodlehead

    When I was a JW, I believed what I was told to believe. After all it was the truth. But now I no longer believe that what they were telling me was the truth. So this opens up my mind to a lot of different ideas. Some of things I was told about the bible still stay with me. But a relationship with God is not something I have nor really desire at this time. When people ask me about my religion I usually make a crack that confusses them and let me off the hook. My favorite is "Oh I believe in God, I just don't agree with his politics." Or "For years I made an attempt at a relationship and found I was co-dependent. So now I am waiting for him to make the first move." But I do catch myself deffending the bible. Why I cant figure out.

    I also have a very open mind about things I never did before. Afterlife, ghosts, aliens, and anything spiritual I really don't know where I stand. If I ran into a little green man tomorrow, I don't think it would matter one way or the other to me. More like,"Well that's something you don't see every day! Guess I need to get rid of the New York time and start reading more tabloids." I am joking....a little.

    I feel what ever makes you happy do it. Believe what you want. Have the life that you want. Do what you want. (Just leave the farm animals alone.)

  • SPAZnik

    Awesome post. Thanks for the laugh.
    I relate, actually. I love the
    little green man visual.

  • freedom96

    I am completely open to new ideas. I am thankful that I now don't have an organization telling me what to believe. I can make up my own mind for a change.

  • OpenFireGlass
    How open are you to new ideas

    I was just getting ready to ask all of the aposto-babes that same question.... Oh, Nevermind...

  • damselfly

    <<I was just getting ready to ask all of the ;aposto-babes that same question.... Oh, Nevermind...>>

    Well we accepted the fact that you're part fraggle, so I guess the answwer is yes. ;P


  • Crumpet
    "Oh I believe in God, I just don't agree with his politics." Or "For years I made an attempt at a relationship and found I was co-dependent. So now I am waiting for him to make the first move."

    Do you mind if I borrow those I think I and everyone else is getting a little weary of reply which is too rude to put here?

    I am not very open to new ideas, unless of course they are my own! Am working on it!

  • trevor

    Most people like to think they are open to new ideas or open minded but we are seldom the best judge of ourselves.

    I was talking to two Jehovah’s Witnesses recently and I accused them of being narrow minded. They were genuinely shocked and told me that - Jehovah’s Witnesses are the Most Open Minded People On Earth.

    Well there you go…

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Good post.

    I am not open to any new ideas regarding religion. I would class myself as an agnostic these days, with definite leanings towards atheism. Spending so much time with a now - atheist ex jw has probably influenced me in that regard. I have no relationship with god as such now, and to be honest, I don't feel the need for one.

  • anewme

    Good post. Made me think about it.

  • apfergus

    I aproximate my openess to new ideas to Carl Sagan's "baloney detection kit" rules from The Demon Haunted World. I'll consider any idea placed before me, but if it doesn't stand up to some kind of basic logical criteria I see no reason to take it seriously.

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