Were you "disciplined" by the elders (or Jehovah God) for anything while in the "Truth"???
What "Discipline" Did You Recieve While A Witness?
by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends
The first thing that comes to mind for me, is when I got reproved for something, I wasn't allowed to do certain things. No giving talks, no answering questions at the meeting, and I wasn't allowed to help clean the KH. Whoopdeefreakindoo.All the things I hated anyway.
drew sagan
yet -
Post 1075 of 1075
since 16-Aug-05none.....
yetYeah... well you're about to get diciplined for that new facial hair, and that scruffy/worldly hair-doo.. LOL.. Oh, and is wearing all black very christian...
I got a reproof at 10 or so for writing a dirty poem and removed by my parents from school for three years to guard me against satanic influence.
I also got reproved for running away from home at 14, because I wasnt allowed to go out on field service one friday evening.
I got dfed a few times too.
Other than that not too bad!
I wasnt putting in enough "hours" as an unbaptized publisher, so they removed me from doing the "sound system" and "roving mic" duties!!! LMAO.
Ironically, the only reason I could still tolerate the meetings was because I could sit behind the sound booth reading Nietzsche. After that, I just stopped going
A few times I had to cancel talks on the school, usually because I was sick or had to work late. One day the school overseer comes up to me at the hall to assign me a talk. It was to be given in 2 weeks, and I told him I couldn't do it because I'd be away on vacation. He went ballistic and decided to kick me off the school to punish me. Needless to say, I was very pleased with the outcome.
Other times I was counselled for having a moustache, wearing bright ties, biting my fingernails, having a 2 door vehicle, being overweight, joining a gym to lose weight, having garlic breath, having financial problems, being materialistic once the financial problems were gone, buying a new bed (again materialism), going to school, not shaving every day, having a 5 o'clock shadow, owning a motorcycle, working overtime, not commenting enough, incorporating "extra material" into my comments, not having my wife "in subjection", and many other reasons.
I must have been a very wicked guy.
I got drug in the back room because my best friend had a boyfriend. She was unbaptized and they never saw eachother anywhere other than at school (It didn't last long and they didn't do anything more than kiss) but it was found out I knew about it, so I was a party to her sin... you know... the sin of holding hands with worldly boys.
They told me basically I was lucky they didn't disfellowship me, but since it seemed I was repentent (I started crying) they would let it go at that. Looking back... it seems like a huge tempest in a teapot and totally rediculous, but at the time I was physically ill for weeks over it. Every time the phone rang and my Dad disappeared into his office I wanted to throw up.
All the more reason to let my own children lead a normal life.
A couple public reproofs and one DF. And endless nit-picks about my skirts, my jeep, my kids' commenting, my commenting, my weightloss during a separation, my association with a certain 'brother' (ok, I'll give them that one, they were right ),my working out, my wordly friends, my family, my job, my football obsession...
The last "discipline" was back to THEM, the elders who I now shun...
happily DA'd. -
Good Girl or Bad Girl?
All through high school I got counseled for having worldly boyfriends. So I got a JW boyfriend.
Then I got counseled for having a JW boyfriend when not ready to get married.
Then we graduated from high school and got counseled for wanting to work together in field service.
Then we got engaged and got counseled for not having appropriate chaperones.
Then I got DF'd for ...........................
Then I got reinstated, moved to another congregation and as my record followed me there, was not allowed on the TMS in spite of repeated tries to join.
Then I gave up on joining the TMS and got counseled for that.
Then I got publicly reproved.
Then I got DF'd again. (And counseled for leading my JW boyfriend down the same path when I was spiritually stronger than him, even though I had previously been counseled for being spiritually weak.)
Then I got reinstated again.
Then I walked away from the BS.
P.S. As a kid my family was always treated differently because my dad was never an elder. I don't care if others don't think this happens, it absolutely does happen and you are absolutely given a harder time if you don't come from an "elite" JW family/background.