The latest release, Live with Jehovah's Day in Mind, states on page 107:
A Christian who loves kindness will certianly not exploit his fellow worshippers. For example, he realises that it would be neither proper nor kind to start a business or promote an investment scheme that targets felllow believers as the main customers. It would display greed, which Christians are warned against, to plan on making money hastily by exploitng fellow Christians.
I know numerous WT articles have been pretty down on conducting business generally among brothers, but this phraseology seems particularly condemnatory. It seems to rule out completely any business venture aimed specifically at fellow Witnesses.
I really wonder where this leaves businesses like the Bethel Tour group, Stoops in the US, and Golden Age Books in the UK. They all target fellow Witnesses - will they have to close down now? Or is this just the same as the Society have always said, and Golden Age Books and others will just continue as normal pretending there is no contradiction in their actions and their professed allegiance to the Society?