So I went to the DC recently. Excuse me while I puke. . Ok, thats over. Same old crap, different year. We had a GB member give the final talk, and while trying to keep awake I noticed the same fluff BS they always give as to why JW's are gods chosen people I noticed there was a real lack of fact and situations. What I mean is there were many examples of how people were persecuted, how the faith was challenged...... but also how no facts were mentioned. They purposely don't mention HOW the faith was chellenged or WHY the faith was challenged.. Malawi was brought up a few times but nothing about why they were being "presecuted" (read Crisis O Conscience) and how the society was so hypocritical in that instance. All the rest was real new information. Needless to say I was bored out of my mind. My wife (who is a devout JW) was even counting the seconds until the day was over. I guess I'll have to wait to see as to why "Deliverance" is "At Hand".................................................still waiting
Distric Convention
by lost_light06 24 Replies latest jw friends
Wordly Andre
Lost is the only reason you went is because of your wife? Would she allow to stay home while she attends the DC? There has been much talk on this web-site about the food, the last time I attended was about 15 years ago, was the food crappy? Were there any protesters outside? Does your wife know you belong to this web-site? Why do I have so many questions, I had too much coffee
Hey Worldly the food is only as bad as you make it, because you bring your own food, the WTS does not supply any food anymore. Always hated lugging all the food in and out of the Assemblies. Glad I dont have to do that anymore!
Not only do you have to bring your own food, they don't want you to leave during the lunch break and head to McDonalds. We went to the DC last year and one of the sisters let me know that we were being disloyal by going out to lunch. It bothered her so much that on Sunday she brought enough food for my family so that we would be forced to stay.
We didn't go this year. -
Wordly Andre
OMG thats crazy, My mom doesn't tell me about any of the changes nor do I ask her for fear of being invited. WOW hostage for lunch huhh. Do people still do tailgate parties out in the parking lot, I remember some elders got pissed because my fam brought cooler, lawn chairs and small table, its all silly just another way for these people who have no power in the real world to push their power that the kingdumb hall gave them.
Do people still do tailgate parties out in the parking lot, I remember some elders got pissed because my fam brought cooler, lawn chairs and small table, its all silly just another way for these people who have no power in the real world to push their power that the kingdumb hall gave them.
--Wordly Andre
What a bunch of jerks. I guess the elders were upset because people were getting to comfortable, and actually enjoying themselves! -
Do people still do tailgate parties out in the parking lot, I remember some elders got pissed because my fam brought cooler, lawn chairs and small table, its all silly just another way for these people who have no power in the real world to push their power that the kingdumb hall gave them.
They're just being cautious... you wouldn't want someone to accidentally burn down the parking lot now would ya! -
They were supposed to visit every on in my town (according to the local rag.) Most of my friends never received their invites. good times.
I missed the DC this year (boo-hoo) but have BBQ'ed in the parking lot with my 36 foot RV's sun shade extended and all the pop-outs in place.
Talk about teeth gnashing!
You got off light! Does anyone remember the International convention in '69? As I recall it was 8 days long. It started at 9:00 AM and got out at 9:00 PM. I was only 12 so I don't remember much of the content. Just absolutely mind numbing. I do recall that I had my first thoughts along the lines of "I BETTER live forever on a paradise earth to live through this". The food was total crap and I remember after sitting in blazing sun on on wooden stadium seats that all I had to drink was some cool aid in a tiny dixie cup. I found out the other day that the DC is only 3 days long now? WTF!