The movie Pay it Forward is on right now and it got me to thinking (oh dear) about the concept.
Do you do it?
Have you done it?
Have you been on the receiving end of it?
by arrowstar 15 Replies latest jw friends
The movie Pay it Forward is on right now and it got me to thinking (oh dear) about the concept.
Do you do it?
Have you done it?
Have you been on the receiving end of it?
Im unfamiliar with the movie, but understand and try to live by the concept. So much bad karma, so little time. My Name is Earl has noting on me.
Then you best get busy, hon...
I've been "paying forward" my entire life. I have nothing but crap to show for it.
I have nothing but crap to show for it.
Well, that and feathers... The feathers are nice...
No, that's probably not entirely true, FF. Surely, if you were to look back, something would be there.
I know that I'm the same way. I've always tired to live my life with grace and dignity. From that, I believe it includes showing kindness, mercy, compassion, and all those things to others without thinking of some "reward" that I might receive. I just give. And, yes, it has bitten me in the backside on occasion.
But, it has been returned to me when I needed it the most.
I try to show kindness and love wherever I am. I am drawn to the "down and outers", I have been there myself. I do this with no thought of reward. My favourite saying is: Blessed are thoses who can give without remembering and take without forgetting. Live your life so that there will be those that will thank God that you lived. for it is when you give of yourself that you truly give. I have been blessed many, many times.
Heyya Hon,
I live by that rule. And it always comes back when I need it the most. Yes it does.
Im sure I am the recipient of alot of this kind of stuff. And I try to be kind whenever possible. But Im not sure how cosmic it all is.
Let me add that I gave to alot of Witnesses.
Need I say more?