Review of j.w. / t.v. "infomercial" of 7/14/06 on local cable t.v.

by hubert 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • hubert

    Here's a review of the infomercial put out by the j.w.'s about who the j.w.'s are and what they teach. Here is my old post on this topic.

    The program opens with an imbedded title which is..."Now's the Time".

    And where is this title imbedded?


    Now, that caught my attention, seeing as they don't salute the flag, say the "Pledge of Allegiance" to it in schools, and won't even do military service for their country. So, what this tells me, since this "infomercial" is for non-j.w. "worldly" people to view, is a boldfaced lie from the start, designed to make it look like the j.w. cult religion is like normal "Christiandom religions.

    The program consisted of a "host", presumably not a j.w. as this host is asking questions about the j.w. cult, and also an Elder, and a dub bible reader.

    Host starts with "Who are these well-dressed people who shop where you shop, go to your schools, blah, blah, blah? (Why, they are jehovah witnesses, of course) LOL !! She also states "They are not immune from the press, and have many challenges for the time we are living in."

    She states..."We are going to get to the core of some of their beliefs and their motives and why they are j.w.'s."

    Then she says. "Perhaps we can dispell some PREJUDICES, those who had been (mis) informed about them."

    The elder then talked about the usual crap, wars and famine, etc., backed up by the dub reading the appropriate bible verses. (of course).

    Then he talked about the "scope" of work done by j.w.'s today, and he said "J.w.'s are not salemen, they study and go to meetings, and are NOT TRYING TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF PEOPLE, not selling books or magazines. We give them out for free."

    Then he went into how many congs there were, (98,200 plus), in 235 lands, worldwide. Also j.w.'s spent over A BILLION HOURS LAST YEAR, bringing the "good news' to unsuspecting neighbors.

    He then showed photos of kingdom halls in Guatamala and Africa, and quickbuild projects. He then said that if people in other lands can't read, "we teach them to read". We have reading programs for young and old." (Can anyone verify or disprove this statement)?

    He mentioned that how they teach not ritualistic, but they teach "SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE", given from the scriptures. Then went into the "Last Days", "Keep on the Watch" theme.

    I believe the host was also a j.w. because of the statement she asked the elder..... "Do you want to discuss something about the watchtower, because WE do put OUR MESSAGE in print. (Wouldn't that tell you she is a j.w.?

    So, there you have a j.w. asking j.w.'s about what they believe. This is why there was no discussion on what the j.w.'s "core of beliefs" are. In my opinion.

    Just an after note...All quotes are true but not in their exact format and order.

    At the end of the program there was an imbedded advertisement for the district convention in Amherst, Massachusetts for the weekend of July 14th.

    Any comments?


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    complete bull$hit; if i was doing an interview with jw's they would melt in 3 minutes. i could do ten interviews and make 10 dub's look like dopes for a 30 minute program.

  • hubert

    bttt .....for the morning people in New England.


  • fullofdoubtnow
    those who had been (mis) informed about them."

    That's everyone who has been or, especially, still is a jw. They convert people with misinformation. No - one gets the true picture of jw life until they are baptised, and by then it's too late.

    It seemed an easy interview, I'd guess the interviewer is a jw as well.

  • IronClaw

    Is this infomercial available on the net. I'd like to see this crap for myself and get a good laugh.

    The Claw.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    He then showed photos of kingdom halls in Guatamala and Africa, and quickbuild projects. He then said that if people in other lands can't read, "we teach them to read". We have reading programs for young and old." (Can anyone verify or disprove this statement)?

    They teach them to read because its their whole way of indoctrination, control and manipulation. Why wouldn't they?


  • RachelHall

    She didn't ask a crucial question: Does the GB of the WTS teach that through them is the only way to be saved, otherwise you are doomed?

  • Seeker4

    Reading programs in all countries, including the US, have been part of the JW work for many years. I think they have a special booklet they use. I used to have one.


  • garybuss

    I see the Spirit Directed Organization following the Second Advent Christians doctrinally, and they tend to follow the Later Day Saint's business strategy. That tells me the SDAs are where the SDOs want to be doctrinally, and the LDSs are where the SDO wants to be financially.

    It's been fun to watch them sneak their way out of their own poop pot. There's lots at stake. They still need a kinda quick fix for this cash mess they're in.

    It's interesting they're not protesting the court ruling that said their request for a donation, and the "donation" that request generated, is a bill and a payment. That had to laterally apply to the "donation" agreement that's in place to cover manufactured item sales to members and others.

    I look for the return of pricesheet sales and the taxes will be paid if due. The "donation" agreement has to go. It didn't work for assembly food and it ain't workin for books and magazines either. They can't quit printing like they did food service, that's their core business. They gotta fix it.

  • Anitar

    Yeah this is a hypocritical attempt to pass themselves off as normal Christains, in other words, just another typical day in the borg collective.

    But the good news, I hope, is that the public is becoming aware of these type of ploys, and not just from JWs. Everyone I talk to, all with varying degrees of awareness of the Watchtower, is that they are a cult. Nothing of great concern in the greater scheme of life.


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