Honorable Cause.......

by zeroday 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Quandry - I believe one of the 'conditions' of joining as an NGO (and this is where they can't deny it), is to PROMOTE the UN. After joining as NGO's the Society promoted the UN in the Awake (wow) as per 'contract'.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Let me see if I've got this right:

    * Jeehoober's Holy Spirit revealed to the WTB&TS that the UN was the scarlet colored wild beast of Revelations. Right? I mean, that's what they published, and we know they are Jeehoober's Spirit Directed Organization. If the Holy Spirit wasn't behind this teaching, what was? If the teaching was wrong, what else that they teach TODAY is not really from the Holy Spirit?

    * So, firm with an ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE of the identity of the scarlet colored wild beast, the Governing body of the WTB&TS - the most spiritually gifted men on earth, in a higher position than the rest of the remnant (for they TEACH the remnant) - these saints were TRICKED into joining the UN? Can you say, "Pull my finger?"

    I do not believe anybody tricked anyone. I think that the WTB&TS formed their alliance with the scarlet colored wild beast because they hoped to leverage that membership in ways that for the WTB&TS would be politically beneficial. Ultimately, politically beneficial arrangements = money extracted from ignorant naive fearful people.

    The people "tricked" are the fearful, naive and ignorant people victimized by the WTB&TS, with their 100% prophetic failure rate and their doctrine that salvation can be purchased by engaging in the door-to-door book-selling business.

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