I'm sure the WTS will be happy that you've buried some more evidence. :(
I Threw Away My Entire Watchtower Library Today
by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends
But on the up side: Congrats. :)
Min, You crazy bastard!
Ten years ago I sold about five books from my JW collection and paid for all the liquor I drank on a two week Florida vacation, with my complete asshole brother-in-law elder. He even drank some of it!
Why not donate this original garbage to the Library of Congress ?
As evidence that is searchable by the public. Even JW's...
Very odd.
Mini, I too tore up my collection of Watchers and Awake from 1950 to 2000. I also tore up all my Watchtower books etc. I would not sell any of them. Trashed them all.
I dont believe you threw them away. They are valuable to us as proof the Watchtower Society
completely orchestrated the 1975 dissappointment and that they are very fickle prophets changing truths and dates and do's and don'ts.
There is something very powerful to hold in your hand the original $%&*#$% copy that made you a prisoner for years and years. It focuses the blame and hatred on the correct source. -
Minimus - Why?
But maybe you felt they were demonized and you wanted them out of your house!
Oh man...I couldnt just THROW mine away,...I had to RIP THEM TO PIECES first so that even the GARBAGE MAN and the RATS IN THE DUMP wouldnt be tempted to CONVERT!!
You go Min...however you probably COULD HAVE sold them for a nice buck. But that takes too much time and throwing them away is just so...cathartic.
Main Entry: ca·thar·sis
Function: noun
Pronunciation: k&-'thär-s&s
Inflected Form(s): plural ca·thar·ses/-"sez/
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek katharsis, from kathairein to cleanse, purge, from katharos
2 a : purification or purgation of the emotions (as pity and fear) primarily through art b : a purification or purgation that brings about spiritual renewal or release from tension
3 : elimination of a complex by bringing it to consciousness and affording it expression