SOoooo many are leaving the forum.

by AK - Jeff 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    It is sad - but it is growth for them too.

    Forums like this do seem to feed the obsession that we are trying to shed, don't they? I have spent less time here over the past few months. Weening myself off I guess. I see a time coming when I will back away even more. I don't think I will leave in the sense of never returning. But a time is coming when I will be around less and less.

    All that is healthy. One good thing that I have noticed in times that I stay away for a while is that so many new ones are here by the time I get back. I thank God when I see that.

    I say - if ya' gotta go. Then go. But stop in once in a while and shake our apostate hands and share a digital drink with us.


  • ozziepost

    G'day Jeff,

    I don't know for sure whether "many are leaving" but if some formerly longtime posters are not posting as much (I'm probably one of them!), it just shows that they've become too busy in the 'real world' and all credit to them. They've healed and to them the WTS has become more and more irrelevant. The board is several years old now and those posting in 2000 have grown away from the WTS which bound them.

    Still, with posters moving on then that's something to be welcomed, even though it is sad to lose some "good associations". I miss some people very much, but we have lives to lead and we can't be continually looking back. A farmer never plows a straight furrow by looking back.

    At the same time, it's good to see so many new posters feeling comfortable to take the step to 'come aboard'. The Borg still holds thousands captive and, if we have the time, we can pass on the captives (the lurkers0 what we have learned.

    Remember that the WTS are legends in their own minds! Their literature shows that with their inventions of Bible prophecies being fulfilled on the WTS. Remember those embarrassing times when we had to teach that the pouring out of the bowls in revelation were actually some obscure resolutions passed at Witness conventions in the almost as insignificant places in the USA?

    There must be so many of the R&F thinking as we did just before we ceased being dubs. We can help them.

    There are also the thousands of poor people who've suffered sexual abuse within the borg. The anger that spawned the "Silent Lambs" movement and the "Dateline", "Panorama" and "Sunday" programs should not be forgotten. Certainly the hurt of the victims cannot be overlooked.

    So, all in all, there's much to be thankful for the continuing presence of JWD and the experienced voices of posters who're continuing to share their experiences.

    Warm regards to you and yours, Jeff.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • truthseeker

    Good points Ozzie.

    So long as there is a need for help, research, advice and encouragment, this forum will always be here.

    A weak illustration it may be, but if you need to seek help for alcohol addiction, you might visit the AA. Once you're healed, you no longer need their services.

    The same is true here. If you feel completely healed then there is little reason for you to stay here.

    For myself, I will always be here because being a JW is still (for family reasons) part of my life and I will always have a vested interest in what happens to the religion and where it is headed.


  • willyloman

    There was an amusement park I used to take my kids to. They had this enormous merry-go-round with all sorts of animals (not just horses) to sit on. When it stopped you could get off or stay on for another ride. I recall that the youngest kid would pick one critter and stay on it, ride after ride. The older kids would ride the pony and when it stopped they'd hop off and try the giraffe next, or the elephant. They wanted to experience the ride from a variety of perspectives. The oldest kid usually got bored the quickest and was ready to get off after a time.

    This board is a lot like that. The newer ones get on and stay on. As they get "older" they hop off, hop back on, change and evolve. The oldest ones get to a point where they've gotten all they're going to get here and move on.

  • minimus

    I don't get on here like I used to. Before, when I was placed on Simon's restrictions, it felt like hell because I needed this outlet more than most would realize. And since I'm limited to 25 posts per day from now on, I've dealt with the realization that life goes on.

  • garybuss

    I like the forums. This one's my favorite. Witness watching is my hobby now and the forums are good sources of information. I can't help my family but maybe I can help yours when they start looking for answers.
    I learn something every day here.

  • detective
    SOoooo many are leaving the forum.

    Just a sign that we're in the ends times...

    Nah, just joking of course.

    I don't visit as much as I used to and I hardly say anything much of significance anymore but I do enjoy stopping in when I get a free moment. I can't even begin to tell you how much this forum helped me when I was "in the thick of it" a few years ago. I can hardly say thank you enough for that...

  • anewme

    Would you enter a home that wasnt clean and whose inhabitants were doing things that you abhored?
    A witness or newly dfd person is looking for a website that is clean and inviting. A place to come, sit down and relax and tell their story to others who care.

    This is the function as I see it of this website. The moderators are instructed to maintain an orderliness and cleanliness and a welcoming posture to all new seekers of freedom.

    Being able to contribute here is a privilege and not a right. As long as we agree to abide by the rules we are welcome to post. I believe I am right to presume this is the reason behind the strict rules of conduct and decency. It is creating a space for those exiting the "righteous org" of the JWs.

    That being said, there are a number of other websites opening up and are flourishing that provide a different kind of nurturing association for the more seasoned exjw.
    This site still hails the spiritually deep discussions and maintains the scholarly archives for our research and pleasure.

    Look at the member list and see the vast number of characters who have come and gone on JWD!
    And yet, more join everyday! There is always a new number of those seeking freedom who need our help and assistance and handholding through their very real dark hour.
    One person put it this way once.....One day there will be MORE XJWS THAN JWS!!!!

  • Pleasuredome
    I don't get on here like I used to. Before, when I was placed on Simon's restrictions, it felt like hell because I needed this outlet more than most would realize. And since I'm limited to 25 posts per day from now on, I've dealt with the realization that life goes on.

    awww what a shame.

  • anewme

    But I think I missed your point AK-Jeff. You are sad that so many are leaving period.

    I guess it is a natural transition in leaving AA if you truly have given up drinking.

    I've heard some say they quit AA because to talk about booze made them thirsty!

    For alot of people the breakthrough comes quickly and for others it takes a bit longer.

    This website sets them free to live their life without the Watchtower and without religion at all and teaches them to express themselves and listen to others views and realize what they were taught and all their fears were just the sick croaking of an old cult.

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