A few days ago I read a post the listed WT references that stated Man was created in God's Imge but Woman wassn't. Of course I don't agree with this and neither does my wife. I am unable to find the post and I need the references to convince my wife of this sexist WT teaching. Can someone help me? Thanks.
Man Not Woman Created In God's Image
by FairMind 17 Replies latest jw friends
I would certainly like to see that reference because it is completely contrary to the Hebrew in Genesis 1.
*** w72 7/15 p. 445 Woman’s Regard for Headship—How Demonstrated? ***
Woman, too, was created with these qualities. However, her position is different from that of the man. The Bible tells us: "[Man] is God’s image and glory; but the woman is man’s glory." (1 Cor. 11:7) But why does not this text say that the woman also is God’s "image"?
It should be remembered that man was created first and for some time was alone, being in God’s image by himself. The woman was made from the man and was to be subject to the man. The woman’s position thus is one that cannot reflect God’s position of headship toward his creatures, and it is this matter of headship that is discussed in 1 Corinthians chapter 11. Jehovah God is not subject to anyone. Unlike the woman, the man does not have an earthly head over him when it comes to matters relating to his wife and children. Hence in this respect he alone is "God’s image." In other respects, of course, the woman shares with the man in reflecting the admirable and lovable qualities of God.
Thank you Blondie! I see you have now moved to South Africa. I think I'll soon move from the UK (costs so littel to just pull up stakes and move).
*** it-2 p. 304 Man ***
The apostle Paul, in discussing the relative positions of man and woman in God’s arrangement, says: "I want you to know that the head of every man is the Christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the Christ is God." He then points out that a woman who prays or prophesies in the congregation with her head uncovered shames the one who is her head. To enforce his argument he then states: "For a man ought not to have his head covered, as he is God’s image and glory; but the woman is man’s glory." Man was created first and for some time was alone, being in God’s image by himself. The woman was made from the man and was to be subject to the man, a situation unlike that of God, who is subject to no one. Man’s headship, nevertheless, comes under the headship of God and Christ.—1Co 11:3-7.
*** it-1 p. 1052 Head Covering ***
The apostle shows, conversely, that the man should not wear a head covering when taking the lead before the congregation, as when praying or prophesying. It is his normal position under God’s arrangement. For the man to wear a head covering in these instances would bring shame upon his own head. It would also indicate disrespect for Jesus Christ as his head as well as for the Supreme Head, Jehovah God, for man is "God’s image and glory," originally made as God’s representative on earth. He should not obscure this fact by wearing a head covering. The man was created first, prior to the woman; the woman is "out of man" and was created "for the sake of the man." Her qualities are an expression of the man’s honor and dignity, just as the man’s qualities are a reflection of the honor and dignity of God. Therefore the Christian woman should be happy to acknowledge her subordinate position by the modesty and subjection she displays, and she should be willing to represent this visibly by wearing a veil or other material as a head covering. She should not try to usurp the man’s place but should, rather, uphold his headship.—1Co 11:4, 7-10.
So not stated but IMPLIED that man made in Gods image but woman not
Help me out! I cant find my bible anywhere!
Doesnt Genesis say "In the beginning God created man. In his image he created him. Male and female he created them."
Cannot the term "man" and the next reference "him" refer to mankind as a whole, both male and female?
Surely no one would argue that both men and women are made in Gods image or likeness having wisdom, justice, honor, conscience etc....
Since Jesus died so young we will never know how differently he would have set up the Christian congregation and where he would place women on the totem pole.
I find Paul's outspokeness and presumptuousness that he knew God's and Jesus' mind on every matter very interesting. I am skeptical of his strong opinions which influenced so greatly a whole movement and religion. He never even met Jesus! If I am a follower of Jesus, why am I reading Paul????
Is anyone else skeptical of Paul? Why does he play such a large role in the New Testament???? -
anewme, did you see this quote? It shows that men and women are both in God's image except in the exercise of headship.
w72 7/15 p. 445 Woman’s Regard for Headship—How Demonstrated? ***Woman, too, was created with these qualities. However, her position is different from that of the man. The Bible tells us: "[Man] is God’s image and glory; but the woman is man’s glory." (1 Cor. 11:7) But why does not this text say that the woman also is God’s "image"?
It should be remembered that man was created first and for some time was alone, being in God’s image by himself. The woman was made from the man and was to be subject to the man. The woman’s position thus is one that cannot reflect God’s position of headship toward his creatures, and it is this matter of headship that is discussed in 1 Corinthians chapter 11. Jehovah God is not subject to anyone. Unlike the woman, the man does not have an earthly head over him when it comes to matters relating to his wife and children. Hence in this respect he alone is "God’s image." In other respects, of course, the woman shares with the man in reflecting the admirable and lovable qualities of God.