I was wondering how many people say blessings, grace or prayers before eating meals. Do you do it every meal, during entertaining? In a restrauant, alone? in a group?
I usually don't...not trying to be rude, just don't think about it. My husband always does, no matter where or who's around. In the 15 years that we've been together, I don't believe he has ever not said grace before eating. If I don't have my mouth already full of food, he'll say it for both of us, otherwise he says his own quietly....even in a group, even in a restrauant.
Last weekend at the MI apostafest, I thought I noticed a moment of hesitation as if no one knew, what to do, or if a prayer should be said. (might have been my imagination, but FreedomFrog and I did talk about whether or not they would or not)
Every office party, every family reunion, I've ever been to, since leaving JW's someone said grace before eating. Usually just saying something about being greatful for all that were able to gather together and the food that we were about to eat.