Recruitment -- why?

by TRUTH FIGHTER 14 Replies latest watchtower bible


    Recently, several members of a local chapter (?) came to my door. They offered me information, and asked to come in. I'm a pretty inviting person, and I sat and talked to them for quite some time.

    Several days later I was contacted and asked if several people could join me at my home? I didn't like the idea of others being in my dwelling, so I said no. I've been getting phone calls, and visits now quite often. Why?

    Why is there recruitment efforts?

    This seems funny...

  • JH

    Welcome to the board Truth Fighter. I guess that those poeple of your local chapter want to offer you a free bible study.

  • love11

    Because they believe that anyone who doesn't follow Jehovah God will go through a genocide at armaggedon. (which they think will happen any day now.) So they try desperately to "make the sale". Good Luck with that.

  • Satanus

    It's a mind virus, and it wants to infect yours.


  • Stealth453

    Welcome Truth Fighter...

    want to offer you a free bible study

    and steal your soul.

  • jgnat

    You sound like a very polite person. Is it hard for you to tell them to go away and leave you alone? Zealous Jehovah's Witnesses have been warned away from the internet. If you show that you have done some internet research, say, print a sheaf of papers from a link like this for instance,

    I GUARANTEE they will run away and not come back.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi TRUTH FIGHTER, nad welcome to the board.

    Have they offerred you a bible study yet? If not, they will soon. I'd say no if I were you.

  • freetosee
    Several days later I was contacted and asked if several people could join me at my home?

    This doesn’t sound very JW-like to me. Truth Fighter which church are they from? What did they speak to you about?



  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    They get to validate their "truth", their decisions and their life if you agree with them. They get to become heroes, and save you from yourself due to the effort and intelligence they have, and the sooner the better, because the world will end 'soon'.

    They're mad, but this distraction gives them purpose - to the point that they close their ears and go 'la, la, la, la, la' if you remind them of a truth of reality - two thousand years ago people would have described it as 'possessed by an evil spirit'. They want to play and be the hero of the game - if you try and stop them playing they'll chuck a tantrum and shun you.

  • heathen

    You could always start the study and then just be the study from hell by bringing up subjects they are forbidden to discuss . HE HE ... Go off on the UN or pedophiles or something

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