Another dirty little scientific ;secret is that nicotine is a mild antidepressent.
Uh-huh. So is ice cream, but it doesnt give you cancer, turn your face into a catcher's mitt,>>
kid-A, I agree with you. It is a hideous thing. BUT, I guess some people have all the luck when it comes to not looking like an old gym sock after habitually smoking for years. All you need to look at is the subject of your Avatar, Johnny D. if I'm not mistaken. He's been a smoker since his teens. He's in his forties. He looks pretty damn good. On the other side of the coin, there is of course the Keith Richards of the world...I think his appearance may be hard drug related too...just maybe.
<<< cause learning
and behavioural disorders in children or make you smell like a rotting corpse.
But hey, to each their own! >>>
Now, please tell me this doesn't happen if the smoking isn't done AFTER pregnancy. I've seen to many hoes smoking while the baby delivers in 2-weeks, and I want to grind their face in the dirt. But there are those who will stop smoking while PREGNANT even if they resume the habit. I also despise people who smoke in the car with their children. Or in the house. And one does smell like ass as a smoker... It's repulsive.
Smoking INCREASES booze study
by kid-A 16 Replies latest jw friends
I guess we can soon expect an announcement from the watchliar society, lifting the ban on smoking?
I guess we can soon expect an announcement from the watchliar society, lifting the ban on smoking?
Only if you drink alcohol at the same time as you smoke. To obtain the maximum benefit to your health, of course.
Works for me
Another dirty little scientific secret is that nicotine is a mild antidepressent.
I am not a neurobiologist, but that sounds plausible. Nicotine is a stimulant. I wonder if caffeine has the same affect. Then again, coffee is supposed to be good for your liver. :-)
-silent -
I won't be suprised if the anti-smoking fascists begin a drive to ban alcohol consumption soon.
< <--------- " turn your face into a catcher's mitt,
Golly, how come no one else who knows me has ever been honest enough to tell me how I 'look'??
Oh well, if it were not for smoking; I'D BE PERFECT !