Bear with me as I lay the ground work for the conversation to follow . Today I had to go for an annual work physical, and the Doc is someone that has known my family from when we first were married . He isn't my personal Physician, but worked with my husband for years when my mate was an EMT. The Doc is a very conversational guy and during the exam he was asking about the kids and such . I updated him on their jobs ect.. and mentioned that our youngest just went on tour with a band , and that it is hard letting them on their own to make life choices . I told him especially our youngest because we have in the past two years allowed him much more freedom of choice than our other two . I told him I wanted the youngest to be free from the restrictions my husband and I were raised with ...he looked at me seriously and said "have you had a failure of faith ?" I told him well I think it is a definite restructure of what I believe . He told me of his growing up as a ministers son and the conversations they had . He also said one of the hardest cases his dad had to counsel was that of a couple were only one was a J witness . He told me his philosophy of living to do good to others, and to cultivate his farmland . Basically to make his bit of the world a little better place to be. If there is an after life maybe he would deserve a reward, if not then his good work would live on in the lives he touched . I opened up and told him of my personal feelings of death and such too . We talked about the blood issue , he said he thought back in the 80's with the HIV scare that the witnesses might be right on that issue . However he said as testing becomes better you have to keep up to date . He told me he lost a large percent of his Witness patients when he told one pregnant patient that if blood was needed in a life or death issue with the baby he would keep the baby alive no matter what was needed . He said after that it got around the congregation and they all with drew as patients . He asked if I was plagued with guilt issues . I said not anymore , but I do fear the prospect of losing family that are still active . He said you just have to keep your mouth shut around them , don't you . Wow has he got that right . Any ways after we talked for so long we quietly looked at each other and said How did we start talking about all this anyhow ? He said well I guess it was something that just needed to be done then he stood up and gave me a hug ! God that was the best doctors visit I 've ever had . Thanks for sticking with me on this one everybody I really just needed to share .....I love you guys
I really need to share this with someone...
by troubled mind 10 Replies latest jw friends
Good story! Now you can spread the word about how caring of a dr he is.
Wow...sounds like a great doc!
Nice story TM, thanks for sharing. He certainly seems to be a very caring doc.
Thank you for shating that troubled mind.
Any ways after we talked for so long we quietly looked at each other and said How did we start talking about all this anyhow ? He said well I guess it was something that just needed to be done then he stood up and gave me a hug ! God that was the best doctors visit I 've ever had .
Imagine if the situation were changed - he was a JW and you were of a different faith. Think there'd have been any hugs there? Or reckon he'd have tried to convert you! A true example of how real love exists amongst normal humans. -
AK - Jeff
Great example of how intelligent people see the foolishness within Jw's easily.
Many watch and observe. You probably made his day as well. Most people like to see good things happen to others.
Thanks for sharing that story. Your doc sounds great.
I have been out of the religion for over 20 years. Even now, when someone shows empathy for what I went through or gives me a hug, I am moved to tears. -
yes. thank you for sharing.
It's amazing how God puts us together with the people we need most, right when we need them most! Thanks for sharing that wonderful encounter with us!