JW and Home Schooling WHY, WHY, WHY????????

by Wordly Andre 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quandry

    This is difficult.

    The things taught in High School are subjects one needs a degree to teach. If your nephew wants to be a scientist, how will he learn Biology and Chemistry self-taught from a book? How about a foreign language? With no lab or teacher to pronounce, how will he learn? Don't even think about algebra or higher. How, without a teacher who is qualified, will he learn? Who will explain the problem in an understandable way, perhaps knowing different methods of reaching an answer? There is a saying that the student strives to be like his teacher. If one is teaching oneself, this is hardly going to bring about great achievements.

    Yes, by all means take him to see your school. He needs some inspiration to see that knowledge is desirable. That he has a mind and should use it. One movie that you could lend him is Dead Poet's Society. Robin Williams plays a teacher that inspires boys to think for themselves and to know that they could make a contribution to the world. His motto-"Seize the Day!"

    Why are witnesses so afraid of school? They are afraid that without the constant droning of the parents and the meetings, the child will make no right decisions. They have little faith in what they teach, apparently. I know that many of the youth in High School go to Church and don't get involved in drugs, etc.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I just talked to my sister over the phone, she told me that he has goals, I asked if college was still a goal she said, "why do people push college so much, no his goal is to go to bethal at 18!" So I then asked her well what does he do with his time? she said " well he does go into a class room for a few hours 2 days a week, meets with a teacher, then the rest of the week he wants to concentrate on field service" I told her well thats nice but he is only 13 don't you think that his education is more important? she said "he is getting his education and going door to door, its what he wants to do"

    I've always thougth of her as a good mother, I still do but I think she is making a poor choice with her son's future.

    anyway the phone conversation ended with me telling her " Speaking of Bethel did you hear about Jesus Cano?"

  • lonelysheep

    Hi Andre,

    I would think high school would be the time to send the kid to school rather then keep him home! The homeschooled kids I knew did come to school in the 9th grade, and I assumed all states made high school mandatory at that time.

    Those years of socialization teaches people about life in the real world--different people have different personalities, and one can learn how to get along/tolerate all of them.

    Ah ha! Exactly opposite of what the wt wants.

    anyway the phone conversation ended with me telling her " Speaking of Bethel did you hear about Jesus Cano?"

    Lol....how'd that turn out?

  • liquidsky

    This reminds me. I just interviewed a young JW for a project engineering position at my place of employment. He was 19 years old and just gradusted from a tech college/

    I suspected he was a JW because

    #!1 He was too far out of touch with reality. He could not answer a single question I asked him about dealing with short deadlines, difficult customers, working with people with he didn't neccessarily like... etc. It was like he hadn't set foot out of his parents house in 18 years!

    #2 I asked him about his subjects of interest in high school and again not answering my question he said that he was "home schooled" and really could not pick out classes he took. That his parents had chosen most of them for him.

    I then asked him how he felt about working 4-5 hours of over time a week if required. His reply.... "I am a Jehovah's Witness and I will not work O.T. Tuesday, Thursday evening or saturday & sunday. But I can work holidays except for "my holdiday" which is the memorial of Jesus Christ's Death. Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah... then he proceeds to recite a bunch of mumbo jumbo he's been trained to say.

    He also informed informed that this was first job interview. Ever. I didn't hire hime of course. He wouldn't be able to hande my work wnviroment at all.

  • jayhawk1

    I am 30 and working on my degree. It is the best decision I have made since getting maried to a great woman. As far as the home schooling, I've seen some around here do it and it didn't seem to work out in the long run.

  • Fangorn

    The home schooling thing seems to have a geographic component, some areas are very gung ho on the idea and others don't do it at all. The Org's position on home schooling is actually pretty negative because the home schoolers are missing out on the opportunity to preach to their own "special field." My personal opinion is the most Witness parents that want to home school do it simply because they do not want to deal with the issues associated with public schooling. The best home schooling I've seen, with one exception, was mediocre. The exception had a father with a doctorate and a mother with a teaching certificate.

  • liquidsky

    I hit enter before I could finish what I was saying.... I have nothing against home schooling, as long as the children are allowed to be involved in activities where they can interact eith other children of different religion, cultures and interests. I know that the JW's discourage any sort of association with people other the JW's, and homechooling is thier way to to keep thier kids sheltered from real life.

  • blondie

    Actually, the WTS has been reaping what these JWs are sowing. While a few parents actually give the time to home schooling that it requires, many just put their children on autopilot with a program they buy and make the kids pioneer. I know of 10 kids who were home schooled; only one actually graduated with honors; the rest still don't have a diploma and can't get more than a low level job.


    w97 8/15 p. 21 par. 13 "Soundness of Mind" as the End Draws Close ***

    What about those who have chosen to educate their children at home? While many have done a commendable job, some have found the task more difficult than they imagined, and their children have suffered. So if you are considering home schooling, be sure to count the cost, realistically assessing if you have both the skills and the self-discipline needed to follow through.—Luke 14:28.


    g93 4/8 p. 11 Home Schooling—Is It for You? ***

    Home schooling takes, "not just courage, but stamina, inventiveness, and steady nerves," says Christianity Today. So if you are contemplating home schooling, think realistically about the commitment involved. Diligent effort and good organization will be needed to keep up with chores and other family responsibilities in addition to providing a daily academic program for the children. "You might be working so hard you’ll feel like quitting," Ray said. "It’s very demanding."


    g93 4/8 p. 12 Home Schooling—Is It for You? ***

    Of course, not all parents are willing or able to expend the time, effort, and money that experts say are required to make home schooling a success. "Home schooling is not for everyone," said one 14-year-old girl who began home schooling when she was 7. "It takes the right circumstances, the right attitudes, and the right parents." Self-discipline—by parent and child—can be added to the list too. The man quoted earlier said that to make home schooling work, "it takes a strong commitment." He continued: "The real challenge is being able to devote the time to doing it and following through with it."

    Even ardent supporters of home education admit that home schooling is sometimes done in an ineffective or even irresponsible manner. Indeed, every year there are some home-school efforts that fail, leaving children ill-prepared to face future academic challenges.

    Further, parents should not deceive themselves into thinking that home schooling alone will protect their children from the immoral influences found in the public schools. There is no way for anyone to be completely shielded from contact with the world. Many factors beyond formal schooling shape a child’s thinking, including parental example, associations, entertainment, and both personal and family Bible study. Without diligent training in all these areas, no educational system will prove successful in raising Christian children.

    True, some parents have felt that home schooling has contributed to the spiritual progress of their children. But it should not be forgotten that many Christian youths who are attending public schools are making fine spiritual progress as well. In many cases, parents have had good results in working closely with their local school district to ensure that their children get a quality education.

    Parents, who are ultimately responsible for the proper education and training of their own children, need to decide for themselves the type of schooling they feel will most benefit their family. So weigh all the factors carefully before deciding if you are ready to take on the challenge of teaching your children at home.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    LonelySheep, she didn't say anything when I asked about Jesus Cano, she didn't hear about it, so I told her the whole story, at the end she just said Oh, then changed the subject.

    The thing is for most of my life my sis has been pretty cool, even knowing that I hate JW's but since I was never baptized she has been pretty cool, I hate that she is doing this to her son, Its Totally Village!!

  • looking_glass

    Just because a kid is home schooled does not mean that college is out for them. I was home schooled for high school. Long story short, I had problems in Junior High School (now called middle school) where several boys tried to set my hair on fire (and were some what successful as well). Granted I was a loud mouth and antagonized them, but the fact remained that I was truly frightened to go to a bigger school. I was the one that told my mom, either home school me or I will drop out. My mother hired a real teacher who was licensed with the State of Illinois and I went to school Monday thru Thur. I had a curriculum that I followed and received a diploma that is recognized by all States. I think in some cases, one on one schooling is better as long as it is not your parent teaching you. You need to have a person who was schooled to teach, teach students, not a parent who has not been in school for years.

    Joke is that I was number one in my class ... or yeah, I was the only one in my class. Sorry but I do crack myself up sometimes. Come on, if you cannot laugh at your own jokes, who will laugh at them. Party of One. Why yes, thank you.

    Don't lose faith. Your nephew is not a lost cause just because he is being home schooled and no it is not mind control. Most states have certain requires that a student has to fulfill. There are a lot of other fundamentalist religions that also encourage home schooling their kids, it is far more common now a days then it was when I was home schooled.

    Just continue to encourage him in a gentle way, if he has a brain in his head, it will not matter where he is locked in a room with Kingdom Melodies playing 24/7, he will not give into the WTBTS, he will keep his wits about him and do what is best for him. Keep in mind what is best for him may not be what you deem best, but it is all about living and learning and each person has to take their own path and find their own way.

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