Mariposa, "Killing in the Name of" is on the record by Rage Against The Machine called "Rage Against The Machine". Very meaningful lyrics. Dave T
Music you chucked out when you were a JW.
by lowden 37 Replies latest social entertainment
"Rolling down Rodeo with a shotgun! These people ain't seen a, brown-skinned man since their grandparents bought one! wik-ki-ki-ki-ki-ki-ki-ki-wik-ki-ki-ki-ki-ki-ki-ki!!"
Rage! Still rocks effing hard!
I never chucked any of my music but dear sweet little brother who was a witness for all of 2 minutes (between the ages of 12 and 13) self-righteously handed over his Prince tape to my mother and confessed that the song Darling Nikki was about masturbation and it bothered his little conscious.
I still give him a hard time about that -- especially considering that two years later he was sporting a mo-hawk and was the biggest punker in town.
Wordly Andre
I would often find my music missing, my parents didn't approve of my taste, so Out went my Bauhaus, Dead Can Dance, Black Flag, Cramps, etc. Anyway so one day their Kingdumb Melodies were accidently tossed out OHhh so sorry!!
Greetings lowden,
Great thread. It reminded me of a Fat Pig "elder" who intimidated me & my family into throwing hundreds of dollars worth of albums we had in our collection into the trash by reading a letter he got from some dubass bethelite who supposedly did research on all of them. Wow! was he (Pig Face) smug when we told him what we had done. I bet he's still wanking about it whenever he remembers what he got us to do.
Jethro Tull, Beatles, Eagles, Linda Ronstadt, (she wore "witch" jewelry on the back of her Greatest Hits album) Fleetwood Mac and more. All of which we replaced long ago with CD's.
My mother once threw a fit over the lyrics to the They Might Be Giants song Ana Ng, but I somehow managed to keep my Severe Tire Damage CD, anyway. I never threw away any of my music, but mother did once throw out all of my D&D books after she found them because she thought they were attracting demons to the house.
James Taylor (he spent time in a mental instituition...he's probably demon influenced. Again)
Dang undercover, you had some paranoid parents. Taylor's music is some of the most chill songs I've ever heard.
I went through a phase. I used to listen to Korn, Godsmack, Powerman 5000, and other makers of loud music. I threw it out because I was listening to that stuff all the time, and it was loud and negative. So I collected it all and headed off to a dumpster, along with a couple of video games I had hidden from my folks. In retrospect, I could've sold all those things, but just getting rid of them was cathartic. Plus, I hadn't been caught for playing those games, and I decided to end it without getting found out!
My mom was liberal in that sense and let me listen to whatever I wanted. However, I had a friend who's father was the P.O. and he had to play every album he bought for his father. It didn't stop him from buying "immoral" music though. He would just throw out the jewel cases and hide the CDs he knew his father wouldn't approve.
One of the most defined memories I have of my mothers transformation into JWdum was the smashing of her beloved Christmas record collection.
Of course during my rebellious teens living under a strict JW roof many a smuggled tape bit the dust. Oh the day the sledge hammer found Motley Crue's "shout at the devil" I had to resort to unmarked generic copies and even those were not safe.
Willie Nelson
Waylon Jenson
hell, all of my country western albums (all had drinking, sex, etc)
I won't even hit the rock bands, too many to mention.
I even gave up Three's Company and the Love Boat and Fantasy Island.