What would be the Ideal Church for you?

by AK - Jeff 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • What-A-Coincidence

    nature is my church

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Beautiful answers to that question - thanx all.

    I love the spirituality that exudes in the place of religiousity. Any others?


  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    Well, having seen the 'Reverend Alecia' thread and video, I think I could really go for the big fat momma doing Holy Spirit-inspired swivelling on her office chair.

    Of course, I'm not sure what the finer points of her doctrine are ...

  • blondie

    I looked when I left..........still not associated with anything.

    I would like to just get together in a small group (no conductor) and discuss the Bible without any group's literature, using several Bible commentaries.

    I always preferred the "book study arrangement" for that reason, small, informal. (Of course a nimnode conductor and a WT book spoiled it).

    "Administration" raises its ugly head when things get too large.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Good Morning Blondie -

    I would like to just get together in a small group (no conductor) and discuss the Bible without any group's literature, using several Bible commentaries.

    I like this idea too - I have long thought of setting up a simple Bible discussion group at the local coffee shop. Call it 'Church for the unchurched' or something. I'm afraid it would be a long drive for ya' down here each week though. LOL


  • jgnat

    What you describe sounds very much like a house church, Blondie. http://housechurch.org/

    I met a fella who runs one around here. They are "strictly the bible" kind of folks, and have discussions very much as you describe. I imagine there would be a lot of variation between house churches.

  • mrsjones5

    Effervescent, we go the same kind of church. Ain't it cool?


  • blondie

    jgnat, the idea of a group "run" by anyone is a turnoff too. In the early days of the Bible Students, they studied in small groups using several commentaries. But eventually, the Studies in the Scriptures (Millenial Dawn--Dawn Bible Circles) took the place of this. Of course, too much attention was given to the purported writer of those books (Charles Taze Russell).


  • ozziepost

    Since the real meaning of church is not an organisation, nor a building, but a gathering of people, I'd have to say it's the one that i fellowship with - and in case you're wondering, "Turn right at Bethel"

  • blondie

    But the point is "small" group of people. In my mind small is not 50 people; nor am I think of 2-25 person groups who are coordinated though an organized religion.


    Small (25 or less)

    No leader/conductor/moderator/etc.


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