I have been a df'ed witness for two years now. I have had a son around that same time moved twice and changed jobs all around that same time. It has been the hardest two years of my life. I finally started to go to "apostate" sources to get some interaction and ordered some ex'witness books. I am finally getting out of the funk I have been in. The peace of mind that I am starting to feel now is great. I have been looking into other religions too, and have found that they all are not just other forms of satanic worship like the WBTS says. The sayings of the buddah, are very good for meditation and reflection. The one thing that I just can't seem to find peace with is this whole dieing thing...I mean, what happens? I personally feel that God has been with me these past couple of years and has helped me in many ways to survive...but inspite of this "force" in my life that I believe pushes me through each day I never really understand what his purpose is for me and my family, and I don't know what to believe in when it comes to the "afterlife". Not having a clear hope as to my ultimate future is something I have never had to deal with, and while I am still enjoying my life as much as I can each day, that uncertainty is still a concern in my life. What are all your thoughts? Core88
Is this life all there is???
by Core88 24 Replies latest jw friends
Hi, I'm a never-JW, but a regular Christian married to a JW. After I ran my beliefs through my logic-o-matic, I determined that my eternal destiny is unproveable, therefore unknowable. I've contented myself with living with that uncertainty. My faith tells me that eternity lives in my heart, that what has been built in me won't end at my death.
Maybe the Jews have it right, that our eternity lives on in our heritage. That might be our children or other contributions to society.
It's ok to read about it, better to see for yourself, if you have the nerve. If you are doing meditation, you can use it to attempt to view the dimension of the afterlife. Ready? Pick a dead relative that you were close to. Meditate focussing on them.
Just a simple WELCOME to you Core88....
Well I do have a beutifull 11 month old son...if that is the only way I am to live on then I guess that's pretty good. As for satanus...what are you talking about? Are you joking?
No joke. You mentioned buddhist meditation. Did you try that? Learning it is the first step in exploring a bit of the afterlife for yourself. If you are not doing that, then i guess you will be taking other peoples' words about the afterlife. Maybe this site http://www.afterlife-knowledge.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi can help you. These people claim to actually be able to contact some people who have died. Check it out.
I am about to, thank you Satanus.
I am an athiest, so I'm not much help with the god part, but I would like to say WELCOME. Glad you have joined us.
Umm......I just say be happy with each day you have and leave the worrying about tomorrow for...tomorrow. When I first left the JW way of life I would say and believe that...."well they were "mostly" right." as the years went by it was more and more of....."that's just crazy". As you learn to interact with others and deprogram yourself from the JW lifestyle you find that you do have a choice about how you want to live and the ability to choose to be a happy.
Ahhh the old question... the meaning of life.
For me, it is simply to love. It's hard sometimes, but it fulfils me. We all have to find our own path though... say a prayer, dedicate yourself to God, and he'll make the meaning of your life known to you.