This will be Danny Haszard's Boston Big dig thread as things develop. Why,because i worked most of my adult life as a heavy construction union concrete form carpenter in the city of Boston.I made a lot of money as a skilled craftsman at high wages,and i derived a lot of pleasure from my work. I also gave a lot of my earnings directly to the Watchtower's world wide fund. I worked for many different contractors out of the union hiring hall,I worked for the Modern continental construction company who had the largest share of contracts for the Big dig project. KNOW THIS-to quote a co-worker,"i hate working for Modern Continental because they are infested with Jehovah's Witnesses who give me shit whenever i swear or talk dirty " Safety Officer Warned About Big Dig in 1999 |
Philadelphia Daily News, PA - 2 hours ago ... a motorist to death July 10 inside one of Boston's Big Dig tunnels, a ... in 1999 to one of his superiors at contractor Modern Continental Construction Co., saying ... |
Big Dig: The Price of Conscience
TPMCafe, NY - 12 hours ago ... the Interstate 90 tunnel ceiling collapse, this morning's Boston Globe has ... directly warned his superiors at contractor Modern Continental Construction Co ... BOSTON It was a blunt warning seven years ago that apparently went unheeded. A memo from a safety officer on Boston's Big Dig project warned that bolts holding up heavy tunnel ceiling panels weren't up to the job. John Keaveney (kuh-VEE'-nee) wrote the memo in 1999 to one of his superiors at contractor Modern Continental Construction. Keaveney wrote that he could not -- quote -- "comprehend how this structure can withhold the test of time." And he said he would be effected mentally and emotionally if any tunnel worker or member of the public were to be seriously injured or killed. Keaveney's memo was sent to a reporter for The Boston Globe.... |