I wonder if they ask people at the door that before they offer them a WT publication? I wonder if the WTS asks that when someone requests a publication from them through the mail? I wonder what is so secret and confidential in the publications that the WTS is afraid to let non-JWs read them?
My answer: Nothing strange, just want to read them and see what the good news is.
Did you know that in this day of no subscriptions that JWs still have magazine routes. Can you imagine if this sister queried each person as to their motive for reading the magazines?
km 2/05 p. 3 par. 5 The Memorial Season—A Time of Increased Activity ***A sister in Japan wanted to auxiliary pioneer even though she had a full-time job. An elder suggested that each day before going to her secular job, she might do street witnessing near a train station. After overcoming her own timidity and the ridicule of some commuters, she developed a magazine route of some 40 persons, including commuters, station workers, and nearby shop owners. She placed an average of 235 magazines a month.
km 2/05 p. 8 par. 5 Feature Magazines in Your Ministry ***Setting a personal monthly goal of magazine placements can help us to be more magazine conscious. Do you have a magazine route? Do you offer magazines to those whom you meet in the ministry? Could you offer magazines in street work, in business territory, and in public places? Do you carry magazines with you when traveling, shopping, and going to appointments? Take advantage of every appropriate opportunity to help others benefit from The Watchtower and Awake!
km 5/05 p. 8 par. 1 Cultivate Interest With a Magazine Route ***One way to cultivate their interest is by means of a magazine route. When you place magazines, make a record of the person’s name and address, the date of the call, the issues that were accepted, and the scripture that was discussed, along with anything you noticed that might indicate the person’s interests. As each new issue of the magazines arrives, look for points that will appeal to those on your route, and feature them when you visit.
km 1/05 p. 8 par. 2 How to Use Sample Presentations ***Discernment is also required in the use of questions. Questions that are appropriate in some places may make people feel uncomfortable in others.