by ElderBarry 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BizzyBee


    Are you off your meds, hon? Better double up - you're losing it. Seriously.

  • ElderBarry

    "Bizzybee" do you ever just lighten up and have some fun or are you "on" 24/7? I was parodying those old sayings in the sixties. "Right on" "Far out" and all that. Get out a little more Bizzy, with people. Have a social life. Make friends. M'k? M'k.

  • ringo5

    Wow! Are you really the same person as last night?

    No, I GOT IT!

    Your Gollum/Smeagol!

    Yesterday you were Gollum but today your Smeagol!

    I likes Smeagol!

    Dance with Smeagal!

  • ElderBarry

    RINGO 5! You're catching on! I loved dancing with Smegal! Yeah man, this has been a trip. I'm an atheist just buzzing the airport and seeing whazz zappening!

    "Oh I'm so full of shit
    that they can't handle it!

    I want to suck their brain
    and flush it down the drain!

    I pose as a theist
    and stir the pot for fun!

    Pretty soon I'm laffing
    and I have to face the GUN!"

  • ringo5

    * Ringo5 wonders if he dated elderbarry a few years back.... runs for exit...*

  • Arthur


    I was intrigued your initial post. I don't think I've ever heard anyone mix psychology, spirituality, and Lord of the Rings characters all together in the same post. Anyway, you do make some good points about letting go, however, you must understand that not everyone "moves on" at the same speed.

    There are indeed many on this site that are angry. (myself included) This is just part of the recovery process. Some have not moved on because they are not ready yet. Many of us need to vent for a while. Many of us need to be angry for a little while so that we can let it out. Many of us have kept our true feelings about the org, about God, and religion repressed for many years. Now, we need to express those views, and share them with others. Many of us do plan on releasing such anger in due time.

    It did seem to me as though you were trying to help with your post. However, I know that from my own experience, I have written posts in an attempt to "help", and it has been perceived by some as though I was being preachy and a little sanctimonious. Those people probably had a good point. I shouldn't try to change other people's minds, or influence them.

    Being that this board is made up of atheists, agnostics, Born Again Christians, Catholics, and "I don't knows", we all learn to share our common bond: our departure form a cult-like religion. Most of us learn to respect each other as individuals even though we disagree.

  • ElderBarry

    Aw come on. It was funny! I was soooo strange and hard to figure out! I was soooo totally all over the map with a deep friedn frontal lobe n stuff.

    Fact: From age ten to eighteen I was forced to go to KH. I hated it. As soon as I turned eighteen Iwas outta there! I moved in with my first real boyfriend, meaning he wasn't a dubber rubber flubber bubber. I was never baptized so they can't do squat to me!

    So, anyway. Whew. I couldnt have kept that nutjob stuff up much longer.

    Brain..wheres Pinky? -Lisa

  • ElderBarry

    Hi Arthur. That actor is sooo cute. He was a wife beater tho. I don't really think anyone here needs any more help than they already have. I'm glad you saw just how NUTTY my posts were. Jeez, I was wondering when someone was gonna say "I smell somethin' strange." Hey, I'm just glad as hell to be FREE of the GB! Damn Brooklyn Bastids. -Lisa

  • Arthur

    Does anybody here have any good Mormom jokes?

  • Twitch

    u know,....
    The subject line is like a title from the WT. Do u see this? Am I the only one? If so, I don't care anyways,... Why push it, EB? Glad you found your "precious" Leave others with their own, eh? There's nothing to prove here,..... PS and what is this psychotic crap about the "gun"? wtf. Kinda scary,....
    PPS I'm starting to think 'bout finding a diffrent html editor,.....;-)

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