really hated the following:
Having to get a haircut in the early 70's when all my 15 and 16 year old classmates had hair down to their shoulders
calling on doors in the fs and being forced to go with this old Polish brother who harldly spoke english........his mo was to say hello and then when the door was being closed on him he would actually stick his foot in it and then try to argue with the householder.
having to call on doors as a teen ager in the neighbourhood that you know was full of your classmates and then when you said that you would not do a particular house because you knew that one of your classmates lived there being to made feel bad, by one of the elders, for not giving a thourough witness F**K this S**T!!!!
later on in life going to the bathroom during the public talk to underline the WT so it looked like you studied....tis could be done in 3 minutes flat.......good for maintaining your stus as a goo ms that i was.
going through 'bethel' in new york in the ealry 1970's and being told by my aunt that i'd have to get a haircut before touring the bethel so as not to stumble any of the robots working there....[my hair at the time was barely over my ears and touching my collar a real no no!!!!]
not being able to listen to rock!!! we did it anyway
drinking to much as a teenager
going back to school after Xmas........and getting bugged by many kids that you were a 'jehovah!'
not going to college or university because of some holier than thou pricks in new york
just my 2 bitz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! K